raiden-network / raiden

Raiden Network
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Automated testing for swap features #4628

Open kilrau opened 5 years ago

kilrau commented 5 years ago


With @LefterisJP and @rakanalh we discussed to develop tests for the raiden test suite covering features we added to the raiden client to support our atomic swap.

Next Step: Open PR against raiden develop to see these specific features (by @offerm )

Then, decide if a) Idea by @LefterisJP : Raiden: Perhaps we can integrate swap testing with Essentially make some xud swapping scenarios? b) we already have our own simulation tests which test a swap on build via travis (raiden swaps are currently being added). Another option would be to simply integrate these into the raiden repo. That would be extremely fast and also shouldn't interfere with other tests on your end.


Maintain our functionality, avoid new raiden features breaking our functionality.



Backwards Compatibility


LefterisJP commented 5 years ago

@nlsdfnbch @ulope Think we could integrate Xud into the scenario player?

We need to decide what's the best for testing this situation as presented in the first post in this issue.

  1. Integrate XUD with the Scenario player
  2. Use the exchange union simulation tests
LefterisJP commented 5 years ago

We had a call with @rakanalh and @hackaugusto and concluded that the easiest approach here would be to just take the XUD simulation tests and run them.

  1. If they are too slow we should run them nightly, just make a new nightly build
  2. WE could also run them in each PR, if they are fast enough.