rails-girls-summer-of-code / projects

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Loomio #11

Closed gdpelican closed 8 years ago

gdpelican commented 9 years ago

Name and Contact of the Primary Project Mentor: James Kiesel (james@loomio.org) Name of the Project: Loomio URL: http://www.loomio.org Github: https://github.com/loomio/loomio

About the Project: Loomio is an online tool for collaborative decision-making developed by a small team in New Zealand and used by activists, local governments, student groups and communities worldwide. It has been translated into over 30 languages, and is currently in use by the Podemos movement in Spain, the open source social network Diaspora*, and the statistics branch of the New Zealand government.

What are issues/features students may work on?: We maintain a well-curated and up-to-date issues list on github - those marked 'Please help' we're particularly keen to review PRs on. There is also an active open source translation community on Transifex, which allows for translation contributions. (more info on that at https://github.com/loomio/loomio/wiki/Translation)

Suitable for beginners: Yes, we mark issues suitable for beginners as 'Easy Win', and are very responsive to new open sourcers.

Feel free to reach out with any additional questions.


lislis commented 9 years ago

So cool :+1:

anikalindtner commented 9 years ago

<3 thank you so much for submitting, @gdpelican!

Neethusajeevan commented 9 years ago

Hi @gdpelican myself Neethu @Neethu_sajeevan and Ameera @pohameera are intrested in working on your project

Xteff commented 9 years ago

Hi, @anxhe and I @freewomancode are also interested in working on your project.

soff22 commented 9 years ago

Dear James, me and my teammate Boryana are much interested in your project. Actually, we would love to work on something similar. We would like to apply for it and I do hope it is not too late. Please inform me if we can participate and join you. Thank you Kind regards, The RailsGiEnthusiasts Team

alicetragedy commented 9 years ago

Students: please don't apply for this project anymore :)