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Provide a rough schedule of the workshop #34

Closed mxie closed 9 years ago

mxie commented 9 years ago

Many people ask for one, and here it is. This will provide a better understanding of what to expect at the workshop for both the participants and the volunteers.

schedule - railsbridge boston 2015-06-19 15-41-50

mxie commented 9 years ago

@gabebw @eudaimonious Can you two take a look at this when you have a moment? The schedule might be super ambitious...

Some things to note:

This is a lot being thrown, I know. All feedback and suggestions appreciated!

eudaimonious commented 9 years ago

I'm happy and on board with all of this!

Personally, I think having "The Next Steps/Our Path to Becoming Developers" for the second breakout session would be sweet.

Please let me know when this is merged and deployed. I'll send the email to TA's out then.

gabebw commented 9 years ago

I'm a big fan of all of this.