railslist / craigslist-clone

railslist is a craigslist clone
113 stars 68 forks source link

== Welcome to Railslist

Railslist has been developed in Ruby on Rails, hence the name. It uses MySQL database. It runs out of the box with very little configuration. It comes with a very clean and simple interface like Craigslist™. Using Railslist does not require extensive technical expertise. An average internet user will be at ease setting up Railslist. It's Open Source, that means it is 100% free. Railslist can be used on unlimited domains / websites without any license restrictions. Try it now. You would love it.

== Railslist Features

== Setup & Installation

Railslist can be installed either on a Webserver or locally (Desktop). Irrespective where you install, it is assumed that the target system is already installed with Ruby, Rails, MySQL and ImageMagick/RMagick (used for captcha). Go for Phusion Passenger, if you have a dedicated or semi-dedicated hosting. Passenger offers faster performance.

== Prerequisites Apache, Ruby 1.8.6, Rails 2.2.2, RMagick/ImageMagick and MySQL / SQLite (InstantRails for Desktop - comes with all the above except RMagick/ImageMagick) If you are using Rails 2.3.3, then rename application.rb to application_controller.rb

== Installing on a Webserver

== Installing Locally / Desktop Installation

Thats it!. Change to Railslist Directory, Start Railslist -- ruby script/server. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000.

== Logging in as Administrator Goto: www.yourdomain/user and use default password: railslist You must change default admin password at application.rb