raineorshine / npm-check-updates

Find newer versions of package dependencies than what your package.json allows
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"ncu -g" returns error "Expected JSON from "npm ls --json --global". Received empty response." #1473

Open manuelgarciacr opened 3 weeks ago

manuelgarciacr commented 3 weeks ago

Software information:

Current Behavior

$ ncu --verbose -g Initializing

Options: { args: [], cacheExpiration: 10, cacheFile: '~/.ncu-cache.json', cli: true, concurrency: 8, deep: false, dep: [ 'prod', 'dev', 'optional', 'packageManager' ], deprecated: true, errorLevel: 1, format: [], global: true, install: 'prompt', json: false, loglevel: 'verbose', minimal: false, packageManager: 'npm', registryType: 'npm', retry: 3, root: true, target: 'latest', verbose: true, workspace: [] }

Getting installed packages Expected JSON from "npm ls --json --global". Received empty response.

Expected Behavior

Check the latest versions of all global project dependencies:

raineorshine commented 3 weeks ago

I will need a list of your global dependencies to reproduce.

npm ls -g