rakshasa / rtorrent

rTorrent BitTorrent client
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Bug in handling choke groups #564

Open chros73 opened 7 years ago

chros73 commented 7 years ago

I. Summary I just found it by accident (while I have been working on fixing partially done donwloads) that dealing with choke heuristics has been dramatically changed since libtorrent v0.13.0 but rtorrent (client) part left untouched since then (last good version is 0.8.9-0.12.9 in this regard).

It works fine by default until somebody wants to change the config - there's a default choke group - (a hack was applied for integrating into the client).

II. Bugs

III. Question

Edit: I've updated the description of the issue. Edit2: I've updated the description of the issue, again.

chros73 commented 7 years ago

Wow, this is indeed an interesting feature! Thanks for mentioning it @rakshasa (here), otherwise I'd have never noticed it :)

I'll create a pull request for this that will also include Fixing partial download support mods (these 2 issues are depending on each other).

I. Summary This is a powerful feature that should be used if you deal with group of torrents (e.g. you use throttle groups) like here. It allows to set 3 major property per group (2 others (up, down) per property, except for tracker.mode):

The last property is the really interesting one! It restricts the number of unchoked peers in a group!

II. Fixes for mentioned bugs

III. Additions

IV. Other fixes

V. Choke groups in action I'll update the wiki page if it will be merged, but until then here's a teaser: let's extend the Favoring group of torrents example to include public (!!!) torrents as well! :)

# Define throttle groups
throttle.up = slowup,600
throttle.up = tardyup,300

# Setting up choke groups that restricts the number of unchoked peers in a group
# Modify default choke groups for specail group
choke_group.up.heuristics.set = default_leech,upload_leech_experimental
choke_group.tracker.mode.set  = default_leech,aggressive
choke_group.tracker.mode.set  = default_seed,aggressive
# Set up choke groups for slowup group
choke_group.insert = slowup_leech
choke_group.insert = slowup_seed
choke_group.up.heuristics.set = slowup_leech,upload_leech
choke_group.up.heuristics.set = slowup_seed,upload_seed
choke_group.down.max.set = slowup_leech,200
choke_group.up.max.set   = slowup_leech,200
choke_group.up.max.set   = slowup_seed,125
# Set up choke groups for tardyup group
choke_group.insert = tardyup_leech
choke_group.insert = tardyup_seed
choke_group.up.heuristics.set = tardyup_leech,upload_leech
choke_group.up.heuristics.set = tardyup_seed,upload_seed
choke_group.down.max.set = tardyup_leech,150
choke_group.up.max.set   = tardyup_leech,150
choke_group.up.max.set   = tardyup_seed,75

# helper method: Sets choke group to one of the default ones if there's no throttle or throttle is special one (NULL) otherwise sets it to one of the throttle name ones
method.insert = d.modify_choke_group, simple, "branch=((and,((d.throttle_name)),((not,((equal,((d.throttle_name)),((cat,NULL)))))))),((d.group.set,(cat,(d.throttle_name),_,(d.connection_current)))),((d.group.set,(cat,default_,(d.connection_current))))"
# Modify choke group when a torrent is resumed (even after hashchecking or after rtorrent is restarted) or finished or partially restarted
method.set_key = event.download.resumed, modify_resumed_choke_group, "d.modify_choke_group="
method.set_key = event.download.finished, modify_finished_choke_group, "d.modify_choke_group="
method.set_key = event.download.partially_restarted, modify_partially_restarted_choke_group, "d.modify_choke_group="

# helper method: gets one of the below info with the help of getLimits.sh script (Variables are inside the script, you have to edit those values there!)
method.insert = get_limit, simple|private, "execute.capture=\"$cat=$pyro.bin_dir=,getLimits,$cfg.postfix=,.sh\",$argument.0=,$argument.1=,$argument.2=,$argument.3="
# Adjust max setting on the fly
schedule2 = adjust_slots_slowup,  47, 100, "choke_group.up.max.set=slowup_seed,\"$get_limit=$cat=slslots,$convert.kb=$throttle.global_up.rate=,$convert.kb=$throttle.up.rate=slowup,$convert.kb=$throttle.up.rate=tardyup\""
schedule2 = adjust_slots_tardyup, 48, 100, "choke_group.up.max.set=tardyup_seed,\"$get_limit=$cat=taslots,$convert.kb=$throttle.global_up.rate=,$convert.kb=$throttle.up.rate=slowup,$convert.kb=$throttle.up.rate=tardyup\""
chros73 commented 7 years ago

Let's modify the last bullet point (and the last 5 lines in the above config snippet) with the help of our new shiny math commands:

Adding couple of lines to the config, we get an extremely powerful system that is working like a charm! :)

## Variables for getting upload rate limit for throttle groups and max number of upload/download slots for choke groups
# Max, Min value of uprate limit throttle in KB and Max number of upload/download slots during leeching and seeding for slowup throttle group
method.insert = cfg.slowup.uprate.max,      value,  1600
method.insert = cfg.slowup.uprate.min,      value,    75
method.insert = cfg.slowup.slots.leech.max, value,   200
method.insert = cfg.slowup.slots.seed.max,  value,   125
# Max, Min value of uprate limit throttle in KB and Max number of upload/download slots during leeching and seeding for tardyup throttle group
method.insert = cfg.tardyup.uprate.max,     value,  1200
method.insert = cfg.tardyup.uprate.min,     value,    25
method.insert = cfg.tardyup.slots.leech.max,value,   150
method.insert = cfg.tardyup.slots.seed.max, value,    75

## Variables for getting global downrate limit
# Max, Min value of global downrate in KB
method.insert = cfg.global.downrate.max,    value,  9999
method.insert = cfg.global.downrate.min,    value,  8000
# Threshold values for global and special group uprate in KB
method.insert = cfg.global.upall.threshold, value,  1600
method.insert = cfg.global.upmain.threshold,value,  1100

# Min value of uprate per upload slot (unchoked peers) in KB
method.insert = cfg.global.slot.uprate.min, value,     5

# helper method: get current uprate in KB for special group
method.insert = get_uprate_main, simple, "math.max=0,(math.div,(math.sub,(throttle.global_up.rate),(throttle.up.rate,slowup),(throttle.up.rate,tardyup)),1024)"
# helper methods: get new uprate limit in KB (based on special group uprate) for slowup and tardyup throttle groups
method.insert = get_uprate_slowup,  simple|private, "math.min=(cfg.slowup.uprate.max),(math.max,(cfg.slowup.uprate.min),(math.sub,(cfg.slowup.uprate.max),(get_uprate_main),(math.div,(throttle.up.rate,tardyup),1024)))"
method.insert = get_uprate_tardyup, simple|private, "math.min=(cfg.tardyup.uprate.max),(math.max,(cfg.tardyup.uprate.min),(math.sub,(cfg.tardyup.uprate.max),(get_uprate_main),(math.div,(throttle.up.rate,slowup),1024)))"
# Set new uprate limit for slowup and tardyup throttle groups in every 20 seconds
schedule2     = adjust_throttle_slowup,  14, 20, "throttle.up=slowup,(cat,(get_uprate_slowup))"
schedule2     = adjust_throttle_tardyup, 15, 20, "throttle.up=tardyup,(cat,(get_uprate_tardyup))"

# helper method: get new global downrate limit in KB (based on special group uprate and given threshold values)
method.insert = get_downrate_global, simple|private, "branch=(and,((greater,((math.div,(throttle.global_up.rate),1024)),((cfg.global.upall.threshold)))),((greater,((get_uprate_main)),((cfg.global.upmain.threshold))))),(cfg.global.downrate.min),(cfg.global.downrate.max)"
# Set new global downrate limit in every 60 seconds
schedule2     = adjust_throttle_global_down_max_rate, 54, 60, "throttle.global_down.max_rate.set_kb=(get_downrate_global)"

# helper methods: get new upload slots limit for slowup_seed and tardyup_seed choke groups (based on their current uprate and the given cfg values)
method.insert = get_slots_slowup,  simple|private, "math.min=(cfg.slowup.slots.seed.max),(math.max,(math.div,(cfg.slowup.uprate.min),(cfg.global.slot.uprate.min)),(math.div,(throttle.up.rate,slowup),1024,(cfg.global.slot.uprate.min)))"
method.insert = get_slots_tardyup, simple|private, "math.min=(cfg.tardyup.slots.seed.max),(math.max,(math.div,(cfg.tardyup.uprate.min),(cfg.global.slot.uprate.min)),(math.div,(throttle.up.rate,tardyup),1024,(cfg.global.slot.uprate.min)))"
# Set new upload slots (unchoked peers) limit for slowup_seed and tardyup_seed choke groups in every 100 seconds
schedule2     = adjust_slots_slowup,  47, 100,"choke_group.up.max.set=slowup_seed,(cat,(get_slots_slowup))"
schedule2     = adjust_slots_tardyup, 48, 100,"choke_group.up.max.set=tardyup_seed,(cat,(get_slots_tardyup))"
pyroscope commented 7 years ago

Quiet some of these should probably be method.insert.value.

chros73 commented 7 years ago

Quiet some of these should probably be method.insert.value

I had to look up what you mean:

You probably thought of one of the method.insert = <name>, simple rows. We discussed this about half a year ago that these should be type simple. Now I took a look why:

These types actually are not like a return type of a method but indicators about what type of data is stored in a certain method and how rtorrent should handle it.

chros73 commented 7 years ago

Also note that choke_group.up.max.set= and throttle.up= accepts only string type not value (hence the usage of cat command in these cases), the latter only handles "value" in KB, while throttle.global_down.max_rate.set*= accept both value and string type. :)

chros73 commented 7 years ago

@rakshasa what is multi type for?

pyroscope commented 7 years ago

multi is an array type that is e.g. used for events (they take "multi"ple handler keys).

trim21 commented 3 months ago

it's funny d.group is not saved, because choke groups themselves are not saved.

If a choke group is added by rpc but not config, and if we save d.group to session, its choke group will be missing after restart.

But if we save choke group to session, choke_group.insert in config file will fail.