ramtinak / InstagramApiSharp

A complete Private Instagram API for .NET (C#, VB.NET).
MIT License
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Upload video is not working and giving me 500 error "internal server error" #596

Open neoteja777 opened 1 year ago

neoteja777 commented 1 year ago

### Important note


Issue category



Operating System

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Describe your issue

when calling Upload single video it makes first get call and it is working fine. but when making the postcall to upload the video it is giving 500 error and do not give any specific error to understand what is the actual issue.

this is the post call {Method: POST, RequestUri: 'https://i.instagram.com/rupload_igvideo/1308505513874889144456_0_-1726480794', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent, Headers: { X-IG-App-Locale: en_US X-IG-Device-Locale: en_US X-IG-Mapped-Locale: en_US X-Pigeon-Session-Id: c26c20e6-3b5f-402e-992f-6726abb2fa94 X-Pigeon-Rawclienttime: 1691406023.086 X-IG-Connection-Speed: -1kbps X-IG-Bandwidth-Speed-KBPS: 1548.860 X-IG-Bandwidth-TotalBytes-B: 1260148 X-IG-Bandwidth-TotalTime-MS: 813 X-IG-App-Startup-Country: US X-Bloks-Version-Id: 15a1b1509e8dbb5fa808d33b1f023dbc98e6b10c6036f1bd444a5cab55c46974 X-Bloks-Is-Panorama-Enabled: true X-IG-WWW-Claim: hmac.AR1bcr4O5pTsEltmZ6LBBl7EqsXJu-aZkjLooYM0gnOXHi4e Authorization: Bearer IGT:2:eyJkc191c2VyX2lkIjoiNDY5NzM1NDgxxxxxxxxQiOiI0Njk3MzU0ODk4NiUzQThURjI1TXRkS2s2dDN1JTNBMSUzQUFZY2ItcTV5SXg0UUpEzb3ljeVBoU1F5UVNLNXJpdmloUSJ9 X-Bloks-Is-Layout-RTL: false X-Bloks-Enable-RenderCore: false X-IG-Device-ID…


image image


sebastianstupak commented 6 months ago


have you resolved this issue? I am reaching the same result - Internal server error 500 - "Python int too large to convert to C long".

Did you find solution or any workarounds?