Open Kelvin945 opened 5 years ago
I just had a look at the history, the background color for the PMENU was added in a17b059899b3235c80bef7d5d002b1278733c7a7, however this was done only for the gui, not for terminal vim. So there are now two different styles.
In gvim popups look like this:
And in terminal vim like this:
When changing the Pmenu and PmenuSel values for terminal vim so that they mimic the gui style like this:
hi Pmenu ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=16 cterm=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=#19242f gui=NONE
hi PmenuSel ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=60 cterm=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=#66747f gui=NONE
Terminal vim would display popups like this:
I think that change would benefit the theme, what is your opinion @raphamorim? If you like it, I will submit a PR.
Sorry about the delay. I'm 👍 with the change, but I wonder if we could use colors from the palette for that
I simply copied the terminal color codes that were used in other places to represent the same gui colors (#19242f<->16, #66747f<->60). So I would assume that these are the closest to the RGB palette we can get with terminal colors. My screenshots are based on the xterm theme and maybe some other terminal emulator themes are more accurate.
Is this intended behavior?