raphydaphy / Q-Operating-System

Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit "long mode" CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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assembly c operating-system programming-language


Stories in Ready

Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit "long mode" CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user. In designing it and, now, coding it, I have taken every aspect of what we consider to be a "Good OS" and removed everything that people find distracting and, in the end, simply useless.

If you just want to try the latest release of Q OS on your own system, click here for some quick download links if you don't want to read this long file about Q OS. Otherwise, keep reading for lots of information about the planned features for Q OS.

By studying inexperienced people using operating systems such as Linux Distributions and the popular Windows and OS X systems through sources such as the OSFirstTimer channel on YouTube, I have decided on three key features that I will implement into Q OS as some of the key differences from current operating systems. Q OS is built from scratch using the Assembly language for the bootloader and parts of the kernel as well as C++ for the most part of the code. The main unique features I will be implementing into Q OS are as follows:

Tiny Files

When we program in the 21st Century, we have so much more processing power and resources available than in the early days of computing that we often waste large portions of storage and CPU power just by writing inefficient and messy code. As computers continue to get more powerful, so will the level of inefficiency in a typical program such as a word processor where the programmers will save time while developing the software by writing - as I mentioned before - inefficient code that has no benifit whatsoever to the end user.

If we, as programmers, continue to let our code become more inefficient just because we are able to with such powerful computers that are available to nearly everybody in the world now, computers will have to cost more than they are actually worth because of the excessive computational power and storage space they will need to cope with such ineficient programming. An example of this incredible waste of storage space can be seen in how an entire program used to fit within a 64KB space on a disk, but now you can't even write a letter in that amount of space using a word processer such as Microsoft Word or Apple's 'Pages'. Obviously, applications have became more advanced, but so have the languages we have available to use to create them with. Theoretically this should allow us to create more advanced programs in only a little more space, but our bad habits as programmers have prevented this from happening.

In Q OS, I aim to solve this problem in two main ways. The first of which is by giving any computer with a freshly installed copy of Q OS (when it is complete) built in programs that suit most people's needs in computing such as a word processor, web browser, presentation and chart creation programs and other typical preinstalled software, but the entire package of built-in apps will all fit within less than a 1GB space. This is not even a very hard goal to acomplish when the right routines and programming habbits are adopted in order to create tiny code files.

Logical Extensions

For a long time, our files have been appended with what we know as a "File Extension". This is a simple, typically three leter long abbreviation that tells the computer what kind of file it is - for example, .jpg indicates a kind of photo, .mov is a video encoded with Apple's "QuickTime" encoder, .doc is a text document made using the "Microsoft Word" software, and so on.

But to an inexperienced computer user, what do all these extensions mean? Nothing! In Q OS I am going to solve this by creating logical file extensions that are easy to understand even to someone who has only just touched a computer for the first time, and store the actual file type in the old format with three leter extensions only in the metadata of the file. Advanced users will be able to see the origional file extensions, but the file type itself is a completely different structure than in current systems so adapting to my design is a much better option if you plan to use Q OS for any extended period of time.

Some examples of my Logical Extensions are .photo for any photo file no matter if it is a photoshop file, a vector image, a .png image or any other kind of still picture, it will have the .photo extension. .movie is for anything that moves. Animations, .gif's, Films, Movies and more are considered a moving picture format and will be .movie. .code is a powerful new extension for us programmers. Whilst some programmers will be apprehensive to use this at first, it lets programmers and developers define the programming language, version and other metadata at the top of the file and also helps make your folders of code look neater and more beautiful with the same extension for every code file, from binary to html. There are many other Logical Extensions that I will be implementing into Q OS and I belive they will make file managment much easier.

Custom Programming Language

Q OS is designed to be unique. It will be the first Operating System that can run on any device. It is the OS equivelant of a responsitive website. Resize the display and the OS will automatically change to suit the display you are using. Due to this, Q OS can be used as a Desktop OS, a Tablet OS, a Printer OS, a Smartwatch OS, a Smart Fridge OS or really an OS for Anything. That's the essense of what we are going to make Q OS become.

This is where we have a problem. There is no currently existing programming language that can execute Assembly-level code that will work on any CPU with any kind of device. This is because Assembly instructions are CPU specific, but Q Instructions are not. Yes - I am making a programming language for Q OS that will allow it to become the most configurable OS ever built if development continues at a steady pace and changes are rapidly made to improve the OS.

You can see the progress made for the Q Language in the Q Programming Language GitHub repository. It will be a huge project to create the language and in no way is current work on Q OS that is written in C and Assembly going to be wasted - converting C code to simple Q code will be a rather simple process with little manual input required. But the point of Q is not to replace C for OS Development - it is to create an entirely new language that incorporates features seen in the highest level languages like Javascript and Java all the way to the very lowest language - Assembly.

Powerful Virtual Assistant

Q OS comes with a powerful and feature-filled virtual assistant, Me. Me is capable of doing almost anything that you are able to do on your Q OS computer. Me is invoked on the Q OS command line by entering a single and very simple word.


The first time you run this command, Me will start the setup process. This is presented to the end user in a set of questions such as What month were you born in? and What continent do you live in?. Answering these questions is quick and easy, and your data is stored on your own Q OS system securely and never sent to the Cloud where it is far easier to hack using conventional methods.

If you want to try using Me without going through the (relativly short) setup process, you can do so by entering some quick arguments on the end of the me command.

me test

This will result in some less accurate answers since they depend on the setup process but allows you to quickly test Me if you are in a hurry or don't want to give Me your personal information.

Me is incredibly intelligent due to one reason. When you ask Me a question, it performs six main steps.

This simple yet incredibly complex process used to get the answer of the question asked by the end user allows Me to respond to any question in a natural and advanced manor even if that exact question has never been asked before.