Closed Buddies-as-you-know closed 1 year ago
Since currently rclUE supports only Linux, I guess, it is not feasible to packaging project for Windows. There is a site where Pixel Streaming can be done with unreal engine 5 of linux, and the package was possible even on Linux. But turtlebot3-UE cannot be packaged.
@YuminosukeSato, Plugins(rclUE, RapyutaSimulationPlugin) are not work on Windows.
I use Ubuntu20.04. I don't use Windows and wsl. There is a site where Pixel Streaming can be done with unreal engine 5 of Ubuntu, and the package was possible even on Ubuntu. But turtlebot3-UE cannot be packaged. This sate use Ubuntu. I think that Pixel Streaming plugin and Plugins (rclUE, RapyutaSimulationPlugin) may not be used at the same time even if the OS is UBUNTU. Using the Pixel Streaming plugin and Plugins (rclUE, RapyutaSimulationPlugin) at the same time may not allow linux packaging.
Thank you. I was able to do it, can you navigate ros2 while doing pixel straming?
should be since pixelstreaming and navigation is totally independet
I have two questions for reference. Why can't I do ros2 navigation while pixel streaming? Other than pixel streaming, if I want to capture the camera attached to the turtle bot while using ros2 navigation, what are the alternatives?
I want to receive images from RRROS2CameraComponent while navigating and process the images with python opencv etc. (I want to take depth etc.) How should I do it?
it is already explained here
I started Rviz on ROS2 and navigated, but the turtlebot of pixel streaming doesn't work. export ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER=""<- pixel streaming detting export ROS_DISCOVERY_SERVER=""<-defiult Navigation didn't start with either setting. I navigated with each setting, but the navigation does not work.
I don't know how did you start pixel streaming but as always you should check one by one, e.g. move robot with cmd_vel, check scan, odom topic and etc.
Done as above. First, set Additional Launch Parameters
From the menu "Edit" -> "Editor Preferences" -> "Level Editor" -> "Play" category, Set the audio and IP/port by entering the following in Additional Launch Parameters:
AudioMixer -PixelStreamingIP=localhost -PixelStreamingPort=8888 Second, build the UE app for Linux
Build the project from the menu "Platforms" -> "Linux" -> "Package Project". Third, launch the WebRTC server. Start "SignallingWebServer" (using Node.js-based Cirrus.js) provided by Unreal Engine.
set up:
cd ~/Desktop/UnrealEngine/Samples/PixelStreaming/WebServers/SignallingWebServer/platform_scripts/bash chmod +x ./ ./ Start Signaling Server:
chmod +x ./ ./ Next, launch your UE application.
Go to the build directory and run the file with the project name ("turtlebot3-UE" in this case). Optionally, specify the IP/port for headless launching of the UE app and Pixel Streaming.
cd ~/Desktop/Linux
chmod +x ./
./ -RenderOffScreen -PixelStreamingIP= -PixelStreamingPort=8888 Fourth, I ran the following in a new terminal: cd turtlebot3-UE && source #if you use ROS2 Discovery Server. You don't need this if you start editor with ./run_editor false.
ros2 launch nav2_bringup use_simulator:=False map:=
As I said you should do one by one and separate issue.
closed because no activity
How do I fix errors when packaging a Pixel Streaming project? Following the above, I got to 1.3 Package your Project for Windows. From the main menu in the Unreal Editor, choose Files > Package Project > Windows (64-bit). But here I get an error.
How can this be resolved? Not packaged. I was able to package it in the environment I made for testing simply to check if pixel streaming works. However, it could not be packaged in the environment of turtlebot3-UE. Error log: UBT-UnrealPak-Linux-Development.txt
UE version:5.1.1 OS: ubuntu 20.04