raspstephan / sugar-flower-fish-or-gravel

Repository for the Zooniverse cloud classification project.
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New image download scripts are not yet working, plus file name conflict #6

Open raspstephan opened 5 years ago

raspstephan commented 5 years ago

Hi Hauke, I tried your new image download scripts today but noticed that they were not working out of the box. In download_satdata.py, load_config cannot be imported. Also, there is no way to specify different configuration files right now.

If I understand this correctly, I would create my own configuration file, like CONFIG_SR.ini and then can use load_config('CONFIG_SR.ini') to load my user specific settings. Is this correct? In this case there should be a command line argument to specify the configuration file.

The file name conventions of the new download script also differs from the original, I think only in the var parameter (Terra_Brightness_Temp_Band31_Day20071209_-61--40_10-24.jpeg vs Aqua_CorrectedReflectance20070306_-61--40_10-24.jpeg). Unfortunately, keeping the same file name convention is rather important because this is the only way to match the subject_id to a filename.

I have the data downloaded, so no rush in fixing this. Your Python script is definitely better than my shell script!

observingClouds commented 5 years ago

Hi Stephan, you are right about the config file. I haven't implemented the part of providing a config file explicitly, yet. However, you should still have the option to use the one in the git repository OR in your home directory. You however have to adjust it to your local system before. Nevertheless, maybe it would be better to have a path inside the git as a standard.

To the filenames: The examples you are mentioning are different, because one is IR and the other is VIS. So for the VIS the convention should be still correct. (However, next time we should make sure to have an underscore also between var and date 🤣

@raspstephan could you check, if the filename convention still works for the visible?