raulmur / ORB_SLAM

A Versatile and Accurate Monocular SLAM
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Trying to implement semi-dense 3D mapping #82

Open Loeing opened 8 years ago

Loeing commented 8 years ago

Hi Raul,

I'm trying to replicate the method used semi-dense 3D mapping from your paper and was having a little trouble conceptualizing what to use to represent epipolar line that is parametrized as a function of the horizontal coordinates Uj. Should it just be kept as the multiplication between the fundamental matrix of the 2 keyframes and the pixel ( uj = F*pj ) or should it be something else?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Josh

Loeing commented 8 years ago

actually uj = F_pj can't be right because there needs to be an angle between L = F_pj and uj

nsydney commented 8 years ago

Josh, any luck getting the semi-dense mapping working?