ravibpatel / CrashReporter.NET

Send crash reports of your classic desktop application developed using .NET Framework directly to your mail's inbox with full exception report, stack trace and screenshot.
MIT License
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use custom smtp host not work #23

Closed asattot closed 4 years ago

asattot commented 5 years ago
var reportCrash = new ReportCrash("ahmad.sattot@gmail.com")
                AnalyzeWithDoctorDump = false,
                SmtpHost = "send.one.com",
                Port = 465,
                EnableSSL = true,
                UserName = "crash_report@developer-solution.com",
                Password = "******",
                ToEmail = "ahmad.sattot@gmail.com",
                FromEmail = "crash_report@developer-solution.com",
                DeveloperMessage = developerMessage,
                //Silent = silent,
                CaptureScreen = true

progress bar still spinning and please wait...

PeterEJensen commented 5 years ago

Yep, same error here. Any fix for this?

ravibpatel commented 5 years ago

Do you get any errors?

PeterEJensen commented 5 years ago


            var reportCrash = new ReportCrash("")

                AnalyzeWithDoctorDump = false,
                SmtpHost = "smtp.office365.com",
                Port = 587,
                EnableSSL = true,
                UserName = "",
                Password = "",
                ToEmail = "",
                FromEmail = "",
               // CaptureScreen = true,

                DeveloperMessage = developerMessage

I've attached the error and how my code looks. I've removed the mail and password, but you get the idea of how I set it up.

From the error, it seems like an SMTP error, but the office smtp works fine from other places

PeterEJensen commented 5 years ago

Any update on this or am I doing something wrong?

ravibpatel commented 5 years ago

It is not possible to reproduce the issue without real SMTP credentials. You can try addiing the project to your solution and debug it. That way you can tinker with SMTP settings from inside. You may find the code responsible for sending mail here.

EddieDemon commented 4 years ago

@ahmadstout Can you please try port 587 without SSL.

@PeterEJensen Can you please disable SSL and - if you use multi-factor authentication - make sure that you use an app password instead of the modern authentication password.

EddieDemon commented 4 years ago

@ravibpatel - Issue should be closed.