ravibpatel / CrashReporter.NET

Send crash reports of your classic desktop application developed using .NET Framework directly to your mail's inbox with full exception report, stack trace and screenshot.
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How to set this Email parameter properly? #36

Closed Wonderdch closed 3 years ago

Wonderdch commented 3 years ago


Just like picture shows, this Email is emtpy when crash form showed. And it only work whether keep empty or filled in FromEmial(eg 476681123@qq.com).

When my user see this form, they always tends to fill in their own email,and failed: snipaste20201228_132016

How can i make this Email textbox invisible or filled with correct mail address by config?

Here is my ReportCrash setting:

_reportCrash = new ReportCrash("dongzige@csmc.com")
    Silent = true,
    IncludeScreenshot = true,
    AnalyzeWithDoctorDump = false,
    SmtpHost = "smtp.qq.com",
    Port = 587,
    EnableSSL = true,
    UserName = "476681123@qq.com",
    Password = "XXX",
    ToEmail = "dongzige@csmc.com",
    FromEmail = "476681123@qq.com",
ravibpatel commented 3 years ago

Can you try the new build from here? It should fix the issue.

Wonderdch commented 3 years ago

Can you try the new build from here? It should fix the issue.

I tried, But it's getting worse 😅

No matter what i input in Email Textbox or keep it empty, i always got the expection "Failed to send email":


And Email Textbox still is emtpy when crash form showed. snipaste20201229_100640

ravibpatel commented 3 years ago

Can you try this build from here? It should fix the issue.

Wonderdch commented 3 years ago

Can you try this build from here? It should fix the issue.

Amazing! It worked.
