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Access/read/display/play Xbox dash st.db music #8

Closed razzeee closed 7 years ago

razzeee commented 7 years ago

Reported by Gamester17 on 3 Oct 2003 11:58 UTC

Access & read/display/play Xbox dash st.db music

Audio-CD (CDDA) tracks that you rip to the harddrive using the Xbox's original dashboard gets stored as numbers and letters for names and folders, the st.db file contains the song info and points to these numbers and letters. Be nice if XBMP could access/read this file database an could disaply and play those songs & albums with their full name, whithout one having to manualy linking to each folder in config.xml and not seeing just the numbers

Migrated-From: http://trac.kodi.tv/ticket/8

razzeee commented 7 years ago

Comment by gamester17 on 14 Feb 2004 15:10 UTC

Logged In: YES user_id=630186

"xbox soundtrack editor" does it, not sure if it's open source?

razzeee commented 7 years ago

Comment by gamester17 on 27 Feb 2004 21:00 UTC

Logged In: YES user_id=630186

some info from the xdk about soundtracks: max soundtrack name is 32 characters max song name is 32 characters max soundtracks is 100 and each soundtrack can have a maximum of 500 songs

so if each st.db has the same size its gonna be alot easier

about the soundtrack: soundtrack data: an unsigned integer (4 byte) containing the soundtrack id an unsigned integer (4 byte) containing the soundtrack song count another unsigned integer which represents the total soundtrack time in milliseconds a null terminated string with the soundtrack name (max 32 characters)

[edit] about the names they are unicode so each character takes 2 bytes so each song name is 64 byte

razzeee commented 7 years ago

Comment by gamester17 on 27 Feb 2004 21:03 UTC

Logged In: YES user_id=630186

the 'header': first we got a 4byte integer, was always 01 00 00 00 (1) then the next one is the soundtrack count (int) then we got an integer giving the next 'id' to use then it gives soundtrack count times an integer giving the id it preserved the space here so we have the 100 possible id's

then we get at offset 0x19C (400 + 3*4bytes in decimal) giving the last song number to use (it keeps counting, so if you delete some files it will just use the next numbers)

then we get at 0x200 starts our first soundtrack got an integer 71 13 02 00 there (same for each soundteack) then got an integer which is the sountrack folder (folders only uses 4 characters) then got integer which is the soundtrack count each soundtrack can have 500 songs, they divide it in sound groups of 6 songs giving us a max of 84 groups (6*84=504) so we have 84 integers there (336 bytes) then we got an unknown integer there and then the soundtrack name (64 bytes) and then 96 bytes unused

this is reserved for 100 soundtracks

then the songs names groups start on 0xCA00 song names are grouped by 6 songs, if there are less songs it fills it up with empty songs there

about the 'header' before each songname group we got an magic first I think, always 73 10 03 00 then an integer giving the id of the soundtrack its from then we get an integer giving the group block (so if we have 20 songs we gave 4 groups, 0 -> 3) then we got another integer (was always 01 00 00 00) then we got 6 integer giving the song filenames then we have another 6 integers which is probably the filetime for each song [edit]forgot to mention, then we have 6 song title (64byte)

damn I just mapped out almost the whole st.db file

(above info gathererd by "XBOX War3z" from xbox-scene.com)

razzeee commented 7 years ago

Comment by gamester17 on 27 Feb 2004 21:10 UTC

Logged In: YES user_id=630186

xbox-scene.com related development: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=175151 http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=177636

Research by BlueCELL: http://www.intradream.com/bluecell/Research.zip

razzeee commented 7 years ago

Comment by gamester17 on 27 Feb 2004 21:12 UTC

Logged In: YES user_id=630186

soundtrack development info and source code attatched

razzeee commented 7 years ago

Comment by xboxwar3z on 28 Feb 2004 00:57 UTC

Logged In: YES user_id=900122

yup that's about it, you can check my sample soundtrack info to get all the soundtracks + there songs and the complete path to it :)

hopes this helps otherwise lemme know