rdeits / MeshCat.jl

WebGL-based 3D visualizer in Julia
MIT License
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Consider removing Blink.jl in favor of Electron.jl #242

Closed rdeits closed 1 year ago

rdeits commented 1 year ago

Blink.jl introduces a lot of dependencies (WebIO.jl, WebSockets.jl, JSExpr.jl, etc.) and a lot of resulting complexity in terms of package compatibility (e.g. https://github.com/rdeits/MeshCat.jl/pull/241#issue-1709262147 ).

We're not getting any benefit from all of the complicated WebIO stuff that Blink implements (e.g. its magical javascript-to-julia translation tool). We're only using it as an easy way to create a standalone web visualizer outside of a browser.

https://github.com/davidanthoff/Electron.jl seems like a better way to achieve the same thing--it also provides a standalone web viewer, but it depends on far less and it has far less magic under the hood. I think we should switch our tests over to use that package.