This package implements the non-negative least squares solver from Lawson and Hanson [1]. Given a matrix A and vector b, nnls(A, b)
min. || Ax - b ||_2
s.t. x[i] >= 0 forall i
The code contained here is a direct port of the original Fortran code to Julia.
A = randn(100, 200)
b = randn(100)
x = nnls(A, b)
The NNLS implementation (and the Fortran code on which it is based) have been implemented to allocate as little memory as possible. If you want direct control over the memory usage, you can pre-allocate an NNLSWorkspace
which will hold all data used in the NNLS algorithm:
A = randn(100, 200)
b = randn(100)
work = NNLSWorkspace(A, b)
@show work.x
The call to solve!(work)
should allocate no memory. You can re-use the same workspace multiple times:
A2 = randn(100, 200)
b2 = randn(100)
load!(work, A2, b2)
@show work.x
If A2
and b2
match the size of the arrays A
and b
used to create the workspace, then load!(work, A2, b2)
will not allocate. If they do not match, then the workspace will be resized and some memory will be allocated.
The NNLS approach can also be used to solve Quadratic Programs, using the approach from section II of Bemporad, A quadratic programming algorithm based on nonnegative least squares with applications to embedded model predictive control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016.
The problem must be of the form:
Minimize 1/2 z' Q z + c' z
Subject to G z <= g
The QP
struct holds all of the relevant matrices:
qp = QP(Q, c, G, g)
and a QPWorkspace
allocates all of the scratch workspace necessary to solve the QP:
work = QPWorkspace(qp)
Solving a QP returns the primal solution z
and dual solution \lambda
z, λ = solve!(work)
You can check the solution status by looking at work.status
@assert work.status == :Optimal
The function check_optimality_conditions
checks violation of the KKT optimality conditions for a given problem and solution. It should return a value close to zero for a feasible & optimal solution:
@assert check_optimality_conditions(qp, z, λ) <= 1e-6
[1] Lawson, C.L. and R.J. Hanson, Solving Least-Squares Problems, Prentice-Hall, Chapter 23, p. 161, 1974