react-bootstrap / dom-helpers

tiny, extremely modular, DOM helper library for IE9+
MIT License
404 stars 65 forks source link

chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies #164

Closed renovate[bot] closed 3 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 years ago

WhiteSource Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
@4c/build ^2.3.0 -> ^2.3.1 age adoption passing confidence
@4c/rollout ^2.2.0 -> ^2.2.1 age adoption passing confidence
@babel/cli (source) ^7.13.0 -> ^7.13.16 age adoption passing confidence
@babel/core (source) ^7.13.8 -> ^7.14.0 age adoption passing confidence
@react-bootstrap/eslint-config-typescript ^2.0.0 -> ^2.0.1 age adoption passing confidence
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^4.16.1 -> ^4.22.1 age adoption passing confidence
@typescript-eslint/parser ^4.16.1 -> ^4.22.1 age adoption passing confidence
eslint (source) ^7.21.0 -> ^7.25.0 age adoption passing confidence
eslint-plugin-mocha ^8.0.0 -> ^8.1.0 age adoption passing confidence
eslint-plugin-react ^7.22.0 -> ^7.23.2 age adoption passing confidence
karma (source) ^6.1.1 -> ^6.3.2 age adoption passing confidence
mocha (source) ^8.3.0 -> ^8.4.0 age adoption passing confidence
rollup (source) ^2.40.0 -> ^2.47.0 age adoption passing confidence
typescript (source) ^4.2.2 -> ^4.2.4 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

4Catalyzer/cli ### [`v2.3.1`]( [Compare Source](
babel/babel ### [`v7.13.16`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :eyeglasses: Spec Compliance - `babel-parser` - [#​13143]( fix: raise `SyntaxError` for `declare` before getter/setter ([@​fedeci]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-plugin-transform-spread`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-runtime-corejs2`, `babel-runtime` - [#​13129]( Support iterating generators in browsers without `Symbol` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helper-compilation-targets` - [#​13159]( fix: add default value for browserslist config path ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-generator` - [#​13136]( Fix printing of single-param async arrow function with comments ([@​nwalters512]( ##### :memo: Documentation - Other - [#​13155]( Update links in eslint-parser README ([@​codyatwork]( - `babel-types` - [#​13148]( docs: refine babel-types docs generator ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-helper-compilation-targets` - [#​13131]( docs: add README to helper-compilation-targets ([@​JLHwung]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-helper-bindify-decorators`, `babel-helper-explode-class` - [#​13160]( Archive helper-explode-class and helper-bindify-decorators ([@​JLHwung]( - Other - [#​13158]( codecov: token not required ([@​hzoo]( - `babel-helper-call-delegate` - [#​13153]( Archive `@babel/helper-call-delegate` ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helper-hoist-variables`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping` - [#​13152]( refactor: use FunctionParent on visiting var scope ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-function-name`, `babel-register`, `babel-types` - [#​13139]( Remove remaining `lodash` dependencies ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.13.14`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-core` - [#​13068]( fix(core): make sure "clone-deep-browser" code path is used on browsers ([@​charlessuh]( ##### :house: Internal - Other - [#​13066]( add SHOW_CONFIG_FOR to template ([@​hzoo]( - `babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`, `babel-register`, `babel-types` - [#​13057]( Remove lodash deps ([@​hzoo]( ##### :running_woman: Performance - `babel-core` - [#​13063]( Only resolve `package.json` when relative configs are enabled ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ### [`v7.13.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :bug: Bug Fix - `babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx` - [#​12967]( Lazily initialize and cache constant JSX elements ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods` - [#​12918]( Ensure static private method init run before static property ([@​JLHwung]( - [#​12707]( Evaluate object and initializer when setting a private method ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods` - [#​12917]( Class static private field destructure set ([@​JLHwung]( - `babel-parser` - [#​12687]( (ts) Raise syntax error for an abstract method that has body ([@​sosukesuzuki]( - `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-preset-env` - [#​12908]( Fix `esmodules: true` without specified browsers ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( ##### :nail_care: Polish - Other - [#​12956]( Suggest using `babel.config.json` when linting dependencies ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods` - [#​12910]( check descriptor before private field access ([@​JLHwung]( ##### :memo: Documentation - [#​12974]( Capitalize design docs headings ([@​MrBrain295]( ##### :house: Internal - `babel-helper-fixtures` - [#​12982]( Optionally enable external-helpers in tests ([@​jridgewell]( - `babel-cli`, `babel-core`, `babel-generator`, `babel-helper-compilation-targets`, `babel-helper-create-class-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-create-regexp-features-plugin`, `babel-helper-fixtures`, `babel-helper-module-imports`, `babel-helper-plugin-test-runner`, `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`, `babel-helpers`, `babel-node`, `babel-parser`, `babel-plugin-external-helpers`, `babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties`, `babel-plugin-proposal-class-static-block`, `babel-plugin-proposal-decorators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-do-expressions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-dynamic-import`, `babel-plugin-proposal-export-default-from`, `babel-plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-bind`, `babel-plugin-proposal-function-sent`, `babel-plugin-proposal-json-strings`, `babel-plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators`, `babel-plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-numeric-separator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding`, `babel-plugin-proposal-optional-chaining`, `babel-plugin-proposal-partial-application`, `babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-methods`, `babel-plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object`, `babel-plugin-proposal-record-and-tuple`, `babel-plugin-proposal-throw-expressions`, `babel-plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-arrow-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions`, `babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping`, `babel-plugin-transform-classes`, `babel-plugin-transform-computed-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-destructuring`, `babel-plugin-transform-dotall-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-duplicate-keys`, `babel-plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator`, `babel-plugin-transform-flow-comments`, `babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types`, `babel-plugin-transform-for-of`, `babel-plugin-transform-function-name`, `babel-plugin-transform-instanceof`, `babel-plugin-transform-jscript`, `babel-plugin-transform-member-expression-literals`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-amd`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-systemjs`, `babel-plugin-transform-modules-umd`, `babel-plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-new-target`, `babel-plugin-transform-object-super`, `babel-plugin-transform-parameters`, `babel-plugin-transform-property-literals`, `babel-plugin-transform-property-mutators`, `babel-plugin-transform-proto-to-assign`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-inline-elements`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-compat`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-development`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-self`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx-source`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx`, `babel-plugin-transform-react-pure-annotations`, `babel-plugin-transform-regenerator`, `babel-plugin-transform-reserved-words`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-plugin-transform-shorthand-properties`, `babel-plugin-transform-spread`, `babel-plugin-transform-sticky-regex`, `babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode`, `babel-plugin-transform-template-literals`, `babel-plugin-transform-typeof-symbol`, `babel-plugin-transform-typescript`, `babel-plugin-transform-unicode-escapes`, `babel-plugin-transform-unicode-regex`, `babel-preset-env`, `babel-preset-flow`, `babel-preset-react`, `babel-preset-typescript`, `babel-register`, `babel-standalone`, `babel-traverse` - [#​12963]( Avoid using CJS globals in internal source files ([@​nicolo-ribaudo]( - `babel-helper-transform-fixture-test-runner`, `babel-highlight`, `babel-plugin-transform-runtime`, `babel-preset-env` - [#​12795]( [internal] Use the Node.js behavior for default imports ([@​nicolo-ribaudo](
react-bootstrap/configs ### [`v2.0.1`]( [Compare Source](
typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint ### [`v4.22.1`](​4221-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev4220v4221-2021-05-04) [Compare Source]( **Note:** Version bump only for package [@​typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint]( ### [`v4.22.0`](​4220-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev4210v4220-2021-04-12) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** [no-unsafe-argument] handle tuple types on rest arguments ([#​3269]( ([6f8cfe6]( ##### Features - **eslint-plugin:** [prefer-regexp-exec] add autofix ([#​3207]( ([e2cbeef]( ### [`v4.21.0`](​4210-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev4200v4210-2021-04-05) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** [no-type-alias] consider `keyof` as an alias ([#​3242]( ([329ef02]( - **eslint-plugin:** [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] correct bad fix for angle bracket assertion ([#​3244]( ([265a039]( - **eslint-plugin:** [restrict-plus-operands] consider template literal types as strings ([#​3234]( ([ccfd68e]( - **eslint-plugin:** [strict-boolean-expressions] account for truthy literals ([#​3236]( ([0913f40]( - **eslint-plugin:** always ignore assignments in no-unnecessary-type-assertion ([#​3235]( ([0221476]( ##### Features - **eslint-plugin:** [no-unsafe-argument] add rule ([#​3256]( ([b1aa7dc](, closes [#​791]( - **eslint-plugin:** [no-unsafe-call][no-unsafe-member-access] improve report messages for `this` for `noImplicitThis` ([#​3199]( ([b1b26c4]( ### [`v4.20.0`](​4200-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev4190v4200-2021-03-29) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **eslint-plugin:** [space-infix-ops] support for class properties and type aliases ([#​3231]( ([5414bf2]( - **eslint-plugin:** [type-annotation-spacing] handle space between ? and : ([#​3138]( ([40bdb0b]( ### [`v4.19.0`](​4190-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev4180v4190-2021-03-22) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** [member-delimiter-style] correct invalid fix for multiline with params on the same line ([#​3177]( ([7ad343b]( - **eslint-plugin:** [promise-function-async] bad fixer with computed and literal methods ([#​3163]( ([e3a3ea0]( - **typescript-estree:** [ts 4.2] add support for import type equal declaration ([#​3189]( ([6a25faf]( ##### Features - **eslint-plugin:** [object-curly-spacing] support MappedType ([#​3176]( ([0557a43]( - **eslint-plugin:** [unbound-method] improve error message ([#​3203]( ([5cc5d2e](, closes [#​3201]( ### [`v4.18.0`](​4180-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev4170v4180-2021-03-15) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** [explicit-module-boundary-types] fixes [#​2864]( related to functions in nested object properties ([#​3178]( ([55e1fba]( - **eslint-plugin:** [no-extran-class] allowWithDecorator should ignore other errors ([#​3160]( ([a148673]( ##### Features - **eslint-plugin:** add package type declaration ([#​3164]( ([08b058a]( ### [`v4.17.0`](​4170-httpsgithubcomtypescript-eslinttypescript-eslintcomparev4161v4170-2021-03-08) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle assignment ([#​3133]( ([cb22561]( ##### Features - **eslint-plugin:** [strict-bool-expr] add fixes and suggestions ([#​2847]( ([3f9e9a1]( #### [4.16.1]( (2021-03-01) ##### Bug Fixes - **typescript-estree:** update TS version range ([#​3127]( ([0473674](
eslint/eslint ### [`v7.25.0`]( [Compare Source]( - [`5df5e4a`]( Update: highlight last write reference for no-unused-vars (fixes [#​14324]( ([#​14335]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`0023872`]( Docs: Add deprecated note to `working-with-rules-deprecated` page ([#​14344]( (Michael Novotny) - [`36fca70`]( Chore: Upgrade eslump to 3.0.0 ([#​14350]( (Stephen Wade) - [`59b689a`]( Chore: add node v16 ([#​14355]( (薛定谔的猫) - [`35a1f5e`]( Sponsors: Sync README with website (ESLint Jenkins) - [`fb0a92b`]( Chore: rename misspelled identifier in test ([#​14346]( (Tobias Nießen) - [`f2babb1`]( Docs: update pull request template ([#​14336]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`02dde29`]( Docs: Fix anchor in 'docs/developer-guide/' ([#​14332]( (Nate-Wilkins) - [`07d14c3`]( Chore: remove extraneous command from lint-staged config ([#​14314]( (James George) - [`41b3570`]( Update: lint code block with same extension but different content ([#​14227]( (JounQin) - [`eb29996`]( Docs: add more examples with arrow functions for no-sequences rule ([#​14313]( (Nitin Kumar) ### [`v7.24.0`]( [Compare Source]( - [`0c346c8`]( Chore: ignore `pnpm-lock.yaml` ([#​14303]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`f06ecdf`]( Update: Add disallowTemplateShorthand option in no-implicit-coercion ([#​13579]( (Remco Haszing) - [`71a80e3`]( Docs: fix broken links in Node.js API docs toc ([#​14296]( (u-sho (Shouhei Uechi)) - [`bd46dc4`]( Docs: Fix incorrect reference to "braces" in arrow-parens ([#​14300]( (emclain) - [`0d6235e`]( Docs: update header in max-lines ([#​14273]( (Shinigami) - [`70c9216`]( Docs: Update issue triage to include blocked column ([#​14275]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`abca186`]( Docs: Fix typo in suggestions section ([#​14293]( (Kevin Partington) - [`c4d8b0d`]( Fix: no-unused-vars ignoreRestSiblings check assignments (fixes [#​14163]( ([#​14264]( (YeonJuan) - [`b51d077`]( Update: add ignoreNonDeclaration to no-multi-assign rule (fixes [#​12545]( ([#​14185]( (t-mangoe) - [`c981fb1`]( Chore: Upgrade mocha to 8.3.2 ([#​14278]( (Stephen Wade) - [`147fc04`]( Docs: Fix `repro:needed` label in bug report template ([#​14285]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`e1cfde9`]( Docs: Update bug report template ([#​14276]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`c85c2f1`]( Docs: Add fatal to Node.js API LintMessage type ([#​14251]( (Brandon Mills) ### [`v7.23.0`]( [Compare Source]( - [`687ccae`]( Update: add option "allowInParentheses" to no-sequences (fixes [#​14197]( ([#​14199]( (Daniel Rentz) - [`dbf2529`]( Sponsors: Sync README with website (ESLint Jenkins) - [`4bdf2c1`]( Sponsors: Sync README with website (ESLint Jenkins) - [`49d1697`]( Chore: Upgrade eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v25 and remove --legacy-peer-deps ([#​14244]( (Brandon Mills) - [`43f1685`]( Update: `--quiet` should not supress `--max-warnings` (fixes [#​14202]( ([#​14242]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`909c727`]( Docs: Add valid example that shows vars in a block scope ([#​14230]( (Ed S) - [`28583eb`]( Fix: no-mixed-operators false positives with `? :` (fixes [#​14223]( ([#​14226]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`a99eb2d`]( Fix: Clarify line breaks in object-curly-newline (fixes [#​14024]( ([#​14063]( (armin yahya) - [`8984c91`]( Update: eslint --env-info output os info ([#​14059]( (薛定谔的猫) - [`2a79306`]( Sponsors: Sync README with website (ESLint Jenkins) - [`ebd7026`]( Docs: Fix typo ([#​14225]( (Greg Finley) - [`a2013fc`]( Sponsors: Sync README with website (ESLint Jenkins) ### [`v7.22.0`]( [Compare Source]( - [`3a432d8`]( Docs: Improve documentation for indent rule ([#​14168]( (Serkan Özel) - [`f62ec8d`]( Update: throw error when fix range is invalid ([#​14142]( (Jacob Bandes-Storch) - [`0eecad2`]( Upgrade: Update lodash in package.json to V 4.17.21 ([#​14159]( (Basem Al-Nabulsi) - [`5ad91aa`]( Update: report es2021 globals in no-extend-native (refs [#​13602]( ([#​14177]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`c295581`]( Chore: remove leftover JSDoc from lint-result-cache ([#​14176]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`0d541f9`]( Chore: Reduce lodash usage ([#​14178]( (Stephen Wade) - [`27a67d7`]( Sponsors: Sync README with website (ESLint Jenkins) - [`459d821`]( Chore: upgrade dependencies of browser test ([#​14127]( (Pig Fang) - [`ebfb63a`]( Sponsors: Sync README with website (ESLint Jenkins) - [`3ba029f`]( Docs: Remove Extraneous Dash ([#​14164]( (Danny Hurlburt) - [`6f4540e`]( Sponsors: Sync README with website (ESLint Jenkins) - [`ddf361c`]( Docs: Fix Formatting ([#​14154]( (Danny Hurlburt) - [`c0d2ac1`]( Sponsors: Sync README with website (ESLint Jenkins) - [`a8df03e`]( Docs: Clarify triage process ([#​14117]( (Nicholas C. Zakas)
lo1tuma/eslint-plugin-mocha ### [`v8.1.0`](​810-March-5-2021) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - Fix prefer-arrow-callback to not fail when using import.meta ([#​266]( ##### Enhancements - Speed up no-exclusive-tests and no-pending-tests ([#​276]( - set env.mocha on recommended config ([#​273]( - Add benchmarks for runtime with many files ([#​269]( ##### Documentation - Remove stray linebreak at top of file ([#​272]( - Add recommended tick to `no-exports` ([#​271]( ##### Build-Related - Improve benchmark test reliability ([#​277](
yannickcr/eslint-plugin-react ### [`v7.23.2`](​7232---20210408) [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - [`jsx-max-depth`]: Prevent getting stuck in circular references ([#​2957][] [@​AriPerkkio]( - [`jsx-no-target-blank`]: fix handling of `warnOnSpreadAttributes` being false ([#​2953][] [@​Nokel81]( - [`forbid-dom-props`]: support `JSXNamespacedName` ([#​2961][] [@​mrtnzlml]( - [`forbid-component-props`]: support `JSXNamespacedName` ([@​ljharb]( ##### Changed - Fix ([#​2950][] [@​JounQin]( [7.23.2]: [#​2961]: [#​2953]: [#​2957]: [#​2950]: ### [`v7.23.1`](​7231---20210323) [Compare Source]( ##### Fixed - version detection: support processor virtual filename ([#​2949][] [@​JounQin]( [7.23.1]: [#​2949]: ### [`v7.23.0`](​7230---20210322) [Compare Source]( ##### Added - [`jsx-no-target-blank`]: add fixer ([#​2862][] [@​Nokel81]( - [`jsx-pascal-case`]: support minimatch `ignore` option ([#​2906][] [@​bcherny]( - [`jsx-pascal-case`]: support `allowNamespace` option ([#​2917][] [@​kev-y-huang]( - [`jsx-newline`]: Add prevent option ([#​2935][] [@​jsphstls]( - [`no-unstable-nested-components`]: Prevent creating unstable components inside components ([#​2750][] [@​AriPerkkio]( - added `jsx-runtime` config, for the modern JSX runtime transform ([@​ljharb]( ##### Fixed - [`jsx-no-constructed-context-values`]: avoid a crash with `as X` TS code ([#​2894][] [@​ljharb]( - [`jsx-no-constructed-context-values`]: avoid a crash with boolean shorthand ([#​2895][] [@​ljharb]( - [`static-property-placement`]: do not report non-components ([#​2893][] [@​golopot]( - [`no-array-index-key`]: support optional chaining ([#​2897][] [@​SyMind]( - [`no-typos`]: avoid a crash on bindingless `prop-types` import; add warning ([#​2899][] [@​ljharb]( - [`jsx-curly-brace-presence`]: ignore containers with comments ([#​2900][] [@​golopot]( - [`destructuring-assignment`]: fix a false positive for local prop named `context` in SFC ([#​2929][] [@​SyMind]( - [`jsx-no-target-blank`]: Allow rel="noreferrer" when `allowReferrer` is true ([#​2925][] [@​edemaine]( - [`boolean-prop-naming`]: add check for typescript "boolean" type ([#​2930][] [@​vedadeepta]( - version detection: Add tests that verify versioning works for sibling and child projects ([#​2943][] [@​jcrosetto]( - [`jsx-curly-newline`]: Update error messages ([#​2933][] [@​jbrower2]( ##### Changed - [Docs][`jsx-no-constructed-context-values`]\[]: fix invalid example syntax ([#​2910][] [@​kud]( - [readme] Replace lists of rules with tables in readme ([#​2908][] [@​motato1]( - [Docs] added missing curly braces ([#​2923][] [@​Muditxofficial]( [7.23.0]: [#​2943]: [#​2935]: [#​2933]: [#​2930]: [#​2929]: [#​2925]: [#​2923]: [#​2917]: [#​2910]: [#​2908]: [#​2906]: [#​2900]: [#​2899]: [#​2897]: [#​2895]: [#​2894]: [#​2893]: [#​2862]: [#​2750]:
karma-runner/karma ### [`v6.3.2`](​632-httpsgithubcomkarma-runnerkarmacomparev631v632-2021-03-29) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - fix running tests in IE9 ([#​3668]( ([0055bc5](, closes [/]( [#​3665]( ### [`v6.3.1`](​631-httpsgithubcomkarma-runnerkarmacomparev630v631-2021-03-24) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **client:** clearContext after complete sent ([#​3657]( ([c0962e3]( ### [`v6.3.0`](​630-httpsgithubcomkarma-runnerkarmacomparev620v630-2021-03-23) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - support asynchronous `config.set()` call in karma.conf.js ([#​3660]( ([4c9097a]( ### [`v6.2.0`](​620-httpsgithubcomkarma-runnerkarmacomparev612v620-2021-03-10) [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **plugins:** add support wildcard config for scoped package plugin ([#​3659]( ([39831b1]( #### [6.1.2]( (2021-03-09) ##### Bug Fixes - **commitlint:** skip task on master ([#​3650]( ([3fc6fda]( - patch karma to allow loading virtual packages ([#​3663]( ([5bfcf5f]( #### [6.1.1]( (2021-02-12) ##### Bug Fixes - **config:** check extension before ts-node register ([#​3651]( ([474f4e1](, closes [#​3329]( - report launcher process error when exit event is not emitted ([#​3647]( ([7ab86be]( ### [`v6.1.2`](​612-httpsgithubcomkarma-runnerkarmacomparev611v612-2021-03-09) [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **commitlint:** skip task on master ([#​3650]( ([3fc6fda]( - patch karma to allow loading virtual packages ([#​3663]( ([5bfcf5f](
mochajs/mocha ### [`v8.4.0`](​840--2021-05-07) [Compare Source]( #### :tada: Enhancements - [#​4502]( CLI file parsing errors now have error codes ([**@​evaline-ju**]( #### :bug: Fixes - [#​4614]( Watch: fix crash when reloading files ([**@​outsideris**]( #### :book: Documentation - [#​4630]( Add `options.require` to Mocha constructor for `root hook` plugins on parallel runs ([**@​juergba**]( - [#​4617]( Dynamically generating tests with `top-level await` and ESM test files ([**@​juergba**]( - [#​4608]( Update default file extensions ([**@​outsideris**]( Also thanks to [**@​outsideris**]( for various improvements on our GH actions workflows. ### [`v8.3.2`](​832--2021-03-12) [Compare Source]( #### :bug: Fixes - [#​4599]( Fix regression in `require` interface ([**@​alexander-fenster**]( #### :book: Documentation - [#​4601]( Add build to GH actions run ([**@​christian-bromann**]( - [#​4596]( Filter active sponsors/backers ([**@​juergba**]( - [#​4225]( Update config file examples ([**@​pkuczynski**]( ### [`v8.3.1`](​831--2021-03-06) [Compare Source]( #### :bug: Fixes - [#​4577]( Browser: fix `EvalError` caused by regenerator-runtime ([**@​snoack**]( - [#​4574]( ESM: allow `import` from mocha in parallel mode ([**@​nicojs**](
rollup/rollup ### [`v2.47.0`](​2470) [Compare Source]( _2021-05-04_ ##### Features - Warn about ambiguous imports from combined external namespace reexports ([#​4064]( - In case of combined namespace reexports, always prefer local exports over external namespaces ([#​4064]( - Treat conflicting names in local namespace reexports as undefined ([#​4064]( ##### Pull Requests - [#​4064]( Prefer locally defined exports and reexports over external namespaces ([@​lukastaegert]( ### [`v2.46.0`](​2460) [Compare Source]( _2021-04-29_ ##### Features - Add option to disable file


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