react-ga / react-ga

React Google Analytics Module
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React-ga doesn't work on safari #324

Open Thrajnor opened 5 years ago

Thrajnor commented 5 years ago

i've implemented React-ga in my project and it works perfectly on my chome, sadly when i did testing on safari it doesn't sent any data at all. I used react-ga debug also, and events on my chrome are noticed and printed in console, but in safari nothing is returned.

When i was researching how to use google adwords conversion tag i found that safari doesn't work with analitics.js only with gtag. (

Sadly i need data from safari and ios. Is there any chance for upgrade or some workaround ?

sebastianovide commented 5 years ago

o no !!... I've just finished adding it to my cordova app. Any alternative to this project that works also in safari ?

pradella commented 5 years ago

Same here... Is there anyone who find a workaround?

Thrajnor commented 5 years ago

@sebastianovide, @pradella - Sorry for not responding, but sadly no i couldn't find any workaround, that would fix this problem and enable usage this package in production app ;/ In my project i just dumped this package in favor of simple gtag. ;/

RobinClowers commented 5 years ago

This issue is confusing, I guess that some adwords stuff doesn't work? I just tested basic GA pageview tracking on Safari with react-ga and it worked fine.

Thrajnor commented 5 years ago

maybe this issue war repaired by safari or react-ga in the meantime. Sadly i don't use react-ga in my project anymore so someone needs to confirm this finding.

pradella commented 5 years ago

still not working on iOS :( using as an app builded with cordova, developed in react:

ReactGA.initialize('UA-9999999'); ReactGA.pageview(this.props.location.pathname);

jmmccota commented 5 years ago

Any workaround or fix?

Thrajnor commented 5 years ago

workaround will be to use other package or as i did it, implement it without any just like you would have in normal webpage. As for fix i wouldn't hope for anything. This package is last updated in 4 month, and to make this work on safari he or someone would have to rewrite almost whole package to use gtag.js instead of old analitics.js. You could always make PR fixing it ;)

jmmccota commented 4 years ago

Any solution for safari? I found the same issue on safari mobile.

LoganBrownStFX commented 4 years ago

workaround will be to use other package or as i did it, implement it without any just like you would have in normal webpage. As for fix i wouldn't hope for anything. This package is last updated in 4 month, and to make this work on safari he or someone would have to rewrite almost whole package to use gtag.js instead of old analitics.js. You could always make PR fixing it ;)

Do you have any suggestiongs for other packages?