Operators will use Kinetic to manage the Store Pickup settings for their Locations. These settings will control various aspects of the Store Pickup experience, include when and where it is available, information and instructions given to customer, and inventory thresholds
A number of attributes created during Multi Location Inventory will be referenced in this workflow, including:
Location ID: A user assigned value, such as a store number or other internal identifier
Location Name: A user assigned, customer-friendly name for the location
Location Type: Classifies the location, certain other attributes will be based on Location Type (eg: a Store type will have a Store Hours attribute, but a Warehouse would not have a Store Hours attribute)
Fulfillment Types: Indicates which types of fulfillment types are available for a Location. For each Location, each of these Fulfillment Types will either be true or false, and will default to false. New Fulfillment Types will be added over time.
Fulfillment Methods: Fulfillment Methods are different kinds of Fulfillment Types, so a subcategory of type. These Methods can be enabled or disabled for location . For example: In Store and Curbsides are fulfillment methods within the Store Pickup fulfillment type.
Store Hours: The hours that the store is open for business
Store Pickup Hours: Hours that a customer can pick up an item in store. May be the same as Store Hours.
Expected Pickup Time: Indicates how much time a customer should expect will pass before an item is available for pickup in store. Values include (in hours) 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48, 120 (5 days), 168 (1 week), 336 (2 weeks)
Pickup Instructions: A text string that a user will complete to instruct a customer on how to pick their item up at the store.
A number of existing Order attributes will be referenced in Store Pickup, including:
Order Number
Order Date
Fulfillment Type
Fulfillment Method
Item Count
Customer Name
NEW ATTRIBUTES should be added as part of the Store Pickup Initiative:
New Location Attributes
Low Stock Inventory Threshold: An attribute unique to a Location ID, which is used to determine a default minimum amount of inventory for all products in that location.
New Order Attributes
Item Pick Status - Each item in an order will have this attribute that can be manually updated by a picker or operator. The values for this attribute are:
To Be Picked - Item has not been picked yet, this is the default status for all items in an order
Item Issue - A generic flag to indicate something is being investigated or resolved related to an item
Item Unavailable - Indicates picker could not pick item
Picked - Item has been picked, packed and prepped
Order Pick Status - An order level status that indicates its readiness for pick up
Prepare for Pickup - Order contains items that are not Picked
Ready For Pickup - All items in order have been through the Picking process and items statuses are either Picked or Item Unavailable. This setting could be auto calculated from the Item Pick Statuses in the order
Pickup Complete - Fulfiller sets this status to indicate the customer has picked up the order
Needs Attention - There was an issue with the pick up and some or all of the items in the order will not be picked up
Order Pickup Deadline: Date where the order is cancelled if not picked up, calculated by the Order Date plus the location’s Expected Pickup Time. Users should be able to manually extend this deadline if customer requires it
Order Age A simple calculation that subtracts the order creation date from today's date in order to show how many days have passed since the order was placed
Operators will use Kinetic to manage the Store Pickup settings for their Locations. These settings will control various aspects of the Store Pickup experience, include when and where it is available, information and instructions given to customer, and inventory thresholds
A number of attributes created during Multi Location Inventory will be referenced in this workflow, including:
A number of existing Order attributes will be referenced in Store Pickup, including:
NEW ATTRIBUTES should be added as part of the Store Pickup Initiative:
New Location Attributes
New Order Attributes
Item Pick Status - Each item in an order will have this attribute that can be manually updated by a picker or operator. The values for this attribute are:
Order Pick Status - An order level status that indicates its readiness for pick up
Order Pickup Deadline: Date where the order is cancelled if not picked up, calculated by the Order Date plus the location’s Expected Pickup Time. Users should be able to manually extend this deadline if customer requires it
Order Age A simple calculation that subtracts the order creation date from today's date in order to show how many days have passed since the order was placed
Requirements Doc: https://www.notion.so/merchstack/Store-Pickup-Enterprise-b0323f38ae294d3da358254d16eac7c1
Kinetic Mockups: https://www.figma.com/file/vWot2cXXgjcsLpMq4SAX90/Kinetic?node-id=2907-48472&t=TqQTegf10t9Mzc4t-0
Storefront Mockups: TBD