Closed Synlvejo closed 4 years ago
Hello, You have to compile PTF, and you will need ACE, Boost, m4, autoconf, automake, libtool, autotools and cereal. However, if you don't have cereal, you may change line 2 the m4/ac_psc_cereal.m4 file to: [AC_PSC_DEPENDENCY([CEREAL], [cereal], [CEREAL], [cereal/macros.hpp], [], [], [1.2 or later], [no], [optional], [no]) ]) to remove the dependency on cereal.
The file is in the root directory. You could use this command:
../configure --prefix=
and finally, make -j 4 && make install. You will find the scorep-autofilter and readex-dyn-detect binaries in the
You could also have a look at the installation guide at
Hello, You have to compile PTF, and you will need ACE, Boost, m4, autoconf, automake, libtool, autotools and cereal. However, if you don't have cereal, you may change line 2 the m4/ac_psc_cereal.m4 file to: [AC_PSC_DEPENDENCY([CEREAL], [cereal], [CEREAL], [cereal/macros.hpp], [], [], [1.2 or later], [no], [optional], [no]) ]) to remove the dependency on cereal. The file is in the root directory. You could use this command: ../configure --prefix=
--enable-developer-mode --with-boost-lib=$BOOST_LIB --with-scorep-include=$SCOREP_INC --with-scorep-lib=$SCOREP_LIB --with-cube-lib=$SCOREP_LIB --with-cube-include=$SCOREP_INC --with-starter=supermuc and finally, make -j 4 && make install. You will find the scorep-autofilter and readex-dyn-detect binaries in the /bin folder. You could also have a look at the installation guide at
I installed the PTF as the guide says by using all these parameters(with "--with-start-lib=slurm") and I have all these dependency ,but in my <PTF's install_path>/bin there are only: "psc_analysisagent , psc_generate_bare_plugin_from_skeleton , psc_regsrv , psc_source_code_directory , , , psc_hlagent , psc_result , , , psc_frontend , , psc_showprops ," The only three diffences is :
Edit: Wait, cube-lib = SCOREP_LIB?
1) The starter plugin doesn't really matter if you only want to run the autofilter and dyn-detect tools. However, if you want to run the framework or any of the plugins, I would recommend --with-starter=interactive. The slurm starter makes sense only if you have 2 nodes or more.
2) You need to set the -with-scorep-include=
I'm pretty sure that the binaries will be built when you do the above.
The starter plugin doesn't really matter if you only want to run the autofilter and dyn-detect tools. However, if you want to run the framework or any of the plugins, I would recommend --with-starter=interactive. The slurm starter makes sense only if you have 2 nodes or more. You need to set the -with-scorep-include=
--with-scorep-lib= --with-cube-lib= --with-cube-include= The configure cannot detect this otherwise. You have to set the cube include and lib to the scorep include and lib paths because the tools need some components of cube that are packaged in the readex-scorep repository. I'm pretty sure that the binaries will be built when you do the above.
I have installed the cube myself and use the cube_path. Thanks a lot ,I will try to use the scorep_path to cube-lib/include and '--with-starter=interactive' six hours later and renew my issue. May the two tools be with me . Thanks again!
The starter plugin doesn't really matter if you only want to run the autofilter and dyn-detect tools. However, if you want to run the framework or any of the plugins, I would recommend --with-starter=interactive. The slurm starter makes sense only if you have 2 nodes or more. You need to set the -with-scorep-include=
--with-scorep-lib= --with-cube-lib= --with-cube-include= The configure cannot detect this otherwise. You have to set the cube include and lib to the scorep include and lib paths because the tools need some components of cube that are packaged in the readex-scorep repository. I'm pretty sure that the binaries will be built when you do the above.
Hello, Another three situations: 1.I used ACE-6.5.8, and for the problem ’new declaration‘ I change some code. When make -j readex-ptf , the error occured:
make: *** [Makefile:3022: all] Error 2 Makefile code:3022 : SUBDIRS = MOSTLYCLEANFILES = $(DX_CLEANFILES) all: config.h $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-recursive Makefile code:10066: $(am__recursive_targets): @fail=; if $(am__make_keepgoing); then failcom='fail=yes'; else failcom='exit 1';
2.I wanted to install ACE-6.3.3 but :"error: 'class std::basic_streambuf
3.So I changed to ACE-6.4.4 without changing ACE_CDR code and the same error occured ,too.
Maybe it's not relevant to the ACE version?
edit: make with v=1:
../readex/cube_tools/tuning_potential/src/ In function ‘int printSummary(PhaseRegion, const std::list<SignificantRegion>&, double, double, double, std::vector<std::basic_string
Okay, fine ,happy, I manually add #include<boost/next_prior.hpp> to the /readex/cube_tools/tuning_potential/src/ and finally make success! And I find the scorep-autofilter tool and readex-dyn-detect tool in PTF/bin , thanks again~
I'm not quite sure where the problem is. Could you please paste all the commands you used and your changes? Also, please have a look at the automatic installation script on to see if you are missing something. You could also try this script for your installation
I'm not quite sure where the problem is. Could you please paste all the commands you used and your changes? Also, please have a look at the automatic installation script on to see if you are missing something. You could also try this script for your installation
I have renewed issue but i don't know why it didn't success. I added make V=1 to find the problem and there is a message : next is not a member of boost in tuning_potential/src/ ,I solved it by manually add #include<boost/next_prior.hpp>. And my ACE version is 6.4.4. Finally I found the autofilter tool and the readex-dyn-detect tool in PTF/bin. Cheers and thanks
Hello~Yestoday i got the source code of the two tools but i found there is only but no , so I want to know if i have missed something to build them or i should use autoscan to get a ? Thanks for any reply.
i try to use autotools ( with setting"scorep_autofilter_INC = ../include/ , scorep_autofilter_SOURCES =" , autoscan , configure.scan to with edit, aclocal , autoheader , automake -a , autoconf ) to generate a configure file in the folder filter_regions/src. But after run ./configure and make , the error "No rule to make target '', needed by 'scorep-autofilter'. target "" occured. I found its setting in filter_regions/src/"scorep_autofilter_LDADD =" but it can't help to solve this error. did i miss something important? Thanks