realbigplugins / client-dash

Plugin for interfacing with clients in the WP dashboard.
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Customizable Administrative Forms #155

Open joelworsham opened 6 years ago

joelworsham commented 6 years ago

That would be fantastic. I'm thinking this is a Client Dash Pro feature.

brashrebel commented 6 years ago

What would these be? Like a form builder for admin forms?

Could we possibly consider just integrating with some existing form builders? Form builders can get crazy and there's some really sweet ones which exist already. If we could just make a form in say, Caldera Forms, and then put that in an admin page, it would be so amazing.

joelworsham commented 6 years ago

Well, I wasn't necessarily meaning to imply a fancy form-builder, but just the ability to use forms. I was considering shortcodes or something simple, but integrations would also be quite nice. I'm worried about the concept of getting forms to render in the admin with Gravity Forms or Caldera or Ninja Forms. It terrifies me, but is worth looking into.