Asset Catalog Compiler Warnings reported by Xcode 8.3.2:
RealmTasks Apple/RealmTasks iOS/iOS.xcassets: The file "icon-ipad-40@2x.png" for the image set "AppIcon" does not exist.
RealmTasks Apple/RealmTasks iOS/iOS.xcassets: The file "icon-ipad-40.png" for the image set "AppIcon" does not exist.
RealmTasks Apple/RealmTasks iOS/iOS.xcassets: The file "icon-ipad-29@2x.png" for the image set "AppIcon" does not exist.
RealmTasks Apple/RealmTasks iOS/iOS.xcassets: The file "icon-ipad-29.png" for the image set "AppIcon" does not exist.
RealmTasks Apple/RealmTasks iOS/iOS.xcassets: AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@2x.png is 40x40 but should be 58x58.
Asset Catalog Compiler Warnings reported by Xcode 8.3.2: