I was using a sketch from the Sketch WB to define some geometry so I can attach other parts to it. After constraining the other parts, the placement property of the sketch got some weird angles. I found out that the placement of the sketch was overwritten by the assembly solver.
I find it unintiutive that a sketch that is attached to some face will be repositions by the solver. I added a check to assembly3 that should treat any object with the AttachExtension and a valid AttachmentSuport as a fixed part so the solver will not overwrite the placement.
I was using a sketch from the Sketch WB to define some geometry so I can attach other parts to it. After constraining the other parts, the placement property of the sketch got some weird angles. I found out that the placement of the sketch was overwritten by the assembly solver.
I find it unintiutive that a sketch that is attached to some face will be repositions by the solver. I added a check to assembly3 that should treat any object with the AttachExtension and a valid AttachmentSuport as a fixed part so the solver will not overwrite the placement.