rebus-org / Rebus.SqlServer

:bus: Microsoft SQL Server transport and persistence for Rebus
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Update to rebus version 6 #45

Closed nativenolde closed 5 years ago

nativenolde commented 5 years ago

@mookid8000 Hey mogens,

i tried to update the SQL Server transport library to rebus version 6… most of the work should be done. Unfortunately there is no 'Rebus.Tests.Contracts' package version 6, which is required to complete the update.

Please feel free to pick up this PR and to update the package.



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mookid8000 commented 5 years ago

Is it necessary to update the Rebus dependency to v 6 ?

(same question as on the Castle Windsor package 😁 )

nativenolde commented 5 years ago

Because of the changed namespaces in rebus version 6, the sql server transport does not work anymore.

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'Rebus.Time.RebusTime' from assembly 'Rebus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
   at Rebus.SqlServer.Transport.SqlServerTransport.GetInitialVisibilityDelay(IDictionary`2 headers)
   at Rebus.SqlServer.Transport.SqlServerTransport.InnerSend(String destinationAddress, TransportMessage message, IDbConnection connection)
   at Rebus.SqlServer.Transport.SqlServerLeaseTransport.<>c__DisplayClass16_1.<<GetOutboundMessageBuffer>g__SendOutgoingMessages|1>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at Rebus.Transport.TransactionContext.Invoke(ConcurrentQueue`1 actions)
   at Rebus.Transport.TransactionContext.RaiseCommitted()
   at Rebus.Transport.TransactionContext.Complete()
   at Rebus.Bus.RebusBus.InnerSend(IEnumerable`1 destinationAddresses, Message logicalMessage)
   at Rebus.Bus.RebusBus.Send(Object commandMessage, Dictionary`2 optionalHeaders)
mookid8000 commented 5 years ago

ah okay, that's a good reason to update! 😁

nativenolde commented 5 years ago

ah okay, that's a good reason to update! 😁

I fixed the changed namespaces and new dependencies with the best of my knowledge and certainty 😁

mookid8000 commented 5 years ago

I think I've fixed what needed to be fixet 😄 thanks for pushing this, it's out in Rebus.SqlServer 6.0.0-a1

nativenolde commented 5 years ago

I'll deploy that into our testing environment and observe how it performs...