recom3 / api-hud-goggle

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How to use and future plans? #1

Open Romkabouter opened 1 year ago

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Hi there!

I still have an Oakley Airwave 1.5, I came across your site and was wondering what I can do with this API? A long tome ago I created an app for the Snow2, but then Recon died and battery life sucked. Are you having plans to revive the appstore as well?

So what do I get besides the app when I throw you some bitcoin?

Thanks for the effort anyway!

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for writing!

We will try to clarify questions:

What besides the app? Now we have also the Uplink Desktop App (Windows). This Desktop App is able to synchronize trips to backend, so you have them available in Phone App. Further, the Uplink App is able to install new apps in the goggles. At this moment we have only one app to install into the goggles: Un-blocker App. This Un-blocker allows users with factory blocked Airwaves (maybe also Jet’s, but we have not tried) to avoid the cancel update screen, every time they power up.

So… plans to revive the appstore? Yes! In fact we have only to include it in the private area of Technically, we can install 3rd party apps in the goggles at this moment. You can submit us your app and we will make it available for everyone.

The sketch API we have supplied is essential to support the Phone App’s. At this moment is mainly demonstrative, but will allow others, soon we hope, to develop Android/iOS on their own. With this API we are able, for example, to show your friends position. We have already tested this functionality with two Airwave's!

So our plans is to revive the full ecosystem, but as you can see is a huge effort indeed! Everything was dead and basically is doing everything from zero!

Just to help you with the battery. It seems others were able to attach a generic battery:

Feel free to ask any further questions.


Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Good news and thanks for the work, I am willing to pay for the services however I am very reluctant about bitcoins.

You can submit us your app and we will make it available for everyone.

Here is the github, I will see if I have the apk somewhere on my drive. It is a while ago, so building it might be an issue. I will surely put some effort into it.

I actually came across this repo and the site because I wanted to change the battery and found that exact link :)

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Yup! We understand the reticence about BTC. In fact the costs are not covered at all (maybe 1%...), so we have put the obtained funds to yield generating. We thought it can be nice to have this funds for future, as something common to all. We will put a PayPal donate button or similar. Maybe crowdfunding can work also.

You project is quite good! We can build it. No problem. Many thanks. Just one thing, if you have the Recon SDK as jar or zip, please attach it to the project, because it seems newer as the version we have.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

That is a long while ago, but I think I was using this

Is that what you are looking for? Dunno if it is the same version, but I do remember getting a new version indeed.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

I also created another app, controlling the Snow2 with the Myo Armband

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

I have shared some jars here:

Currently I do not now what is what, but I am still using the Snow2, it is build in my Oakley Airwave which I find an very good goggle. I stopped using the HUD because regular app were better and battery life was crap. I will try if I can gear up the goggle with adb and see if I can get some things running.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Also, the SDK is here as well I think

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Ey! Many thx! We are taking a look to all the stuff.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

We will put a PayPal donate button or similar. Maybe crowdfunding can work also.

It might be a good idea to let people have a free trail period, just to let them know you guys are serious with this :) Luckily I have exported all my tracks, but the Snow2 will not yet boot. Most probably because the battery is below the 2v threshold for charging, but we'll see.

Keep up the good work, I am a software engineer so maybe I am able to put some time in this. Interested in the API for sure :)

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Hello, Free trial for sure, we have included in Q&A. At least 1 month. After that if you are not happy, we will send back the funds. There is a formular in Q&A, under "What happens when my purchase is failing or I have a doubt?". Here you can say you are not happy and paste the transfer hash for return.

In fact, as I have said, we will put all the funds to yield farming in an exchange and make it public. We are fully committed with this project.

We are thinking about having a battery replacement section in the web. I have read again through ifixit and seems the most promising model is the Li-Pol 103040 (seems easy to get one in the Web).

Let us now please if it works for you!

Yeah! Sure we will need help in the future, as there are many things to do. We'll keep you posted!

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Free trial for sure, we have included in Q&A.

Yeah, I have read that after my comment indeed. But still that means payment first, I think that will keep people from registering but that is just my opinion :) If you can put some donation button on it would be great, because I am willing to pay but I will not create a wallet for this at the moment. The process is overly complicated this way.

Let us now please if it works for you!

I have gently cracked open the battery box, so progress there :)

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Hello, Most probably we will have to rebuild the recon sdk from scratch., at least the Bluetooth communications part. That is going to be a nice piece of work...

I have created here a separate issue for the battery topics.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I have succesfully replaced the battery and would like to have access to the app and the reconlink. Is there any other way I could pay at the moment?

edit: I am currently busy purchassing :)

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Now we have also the Uplink Desktop App (Windows).

I can confirm this app works :) The phone app also worked and I have paired the goggle to my phone.

Should I already be able to see the runs in the phone app or is this not ready yet? I currently see 1 example run, might be because I do not have any runs anymore in the goggle

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

I have searched and found my old recons apk files, I can upload them if you want. They can be decompiled but maybe you already have them

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Hello, Yes, please. Upload them to a shared folder, if you are so kind, so we can have a look. About the trips, yes they should work in the app. First you have to upload them with the Uplink (you are right, when there are no trips it shows a sample). In fact we are know working hard to allow to view the trips in a map in the private area of the website. Regards.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

ok nice, I will upload them to the shared folder I mentioned earlier, along with the decompiled apps and other old stuff you might find usable (or not)

recom3 commented 1 year ago

ok nice, I will upload them to the shared folder I mentioned earlier, along with the decompiled apps and other old stuff you might find usable (or not)

Thx a lot!

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Still working to show tracks on the Website.. I see the recon sdk is not working properly in factory reset Goggles, cause this recon sdk is used mainly to communicate the Goggles to the Internet using Bluetooth and the Phone. A look of work here... Maybe I need a hand with the recon_sdk project, but still I have to 1st define the main classes and skeleton.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

cause this recon sdk is used mainly to communicate the Goggles to the Internet using Bluetooth and the Phone.

Yeah, and it also holds some of the UI stuff you can use to create apps. Well, that is what I can remember anyway.

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, and it also holds some of the UI stuff you can use to create apps. Well, that is what I can remember anyway. Yes, for UI part there is source code around. The Bluetooth/Comms part is the difficult one.

By the way, we have deployed the Trips map in the Web (beta).

In this way:

  1. We have deployed new api in backend (allows uploading of trip data).
  2. New Uplink Desktop with fix for type 1 format (used in Snow2/Jet)
  3. Deploy new Trips section in website (only showing last trip for the moment)
Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Nice, I will try and upload a trip!

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Firsts try, I have downloaded the sync app and synced with the site. That went well :) When I open the web beta, I can see my trip in de console, but a blank screen


Then when I refresh I get an API error

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Fixed. Sorry for that! Now Google limits everything...

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Cool, I'll try again after my holiday. Maybe it is better to shift towards leaflet

Also, if you are up for it, it might be a good idea to OS the web part as well, so other devs could join. Depending on your plans obviously :)

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Further, the Uplink App is able to install new apps in the goggles. At this moment we have only one app to install into the goggles: Un-blocker App. This Un-blocker allows users with factory blocked Airwaves (maybe also Jet’s, but we have not tried) to avoid the cancel update screen, every time they power up.

I have purchases a new Recon Jet to test this and it does not work. The App installs, but on reboot the Jet still asks the user to activate Is there a possibility to put that code on a repo so I can try and get it to work? I will also try to find how this functionality is working in the Jet.

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Good day, That is an interested question. This Unblocker we have only tested with the Snow2 and is able to bypass the activation screen. As we don't have any Jet's blocked, we have not tested it on Jet's...

Ok first think we are going to do a small change and be back. When we are ready we will write here. Thx.

Possibly we will upload the source code, yes.


recom3 commented 1 year ago

Another thing that could help, please activate the debug option in the glasses and reconnect them with Uplink Desktop. Thx.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

Another thing that could help, please activate the debug option in the glasses and reconnect them with Uplink Desktop. Thx.

You mean the Jet? That is not possible. I cannot do anything since I am not able to get passed the activation screen. I tried some reverse engineering as well with the lxl files but at the moment without result. I do not know what is needed to trigger activation.

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Another thing that could help, please activate the debug option in the glasses and reconnect them with Uplink Desktop. Thx.

You mean the Jet? That is not possible. I cannot do anything since I am not able to get passed the activation screen. I tried some reverse engineering as well with the lxl files but at the moment without result. I do not know what is needed to trigger activation.

Yes you are right! Sorry. So the Unblocker App should be installed by the Uplink Desktop, right? Do you see anything in the screen of the glasses, apart from the Activate screen? Describe the sequence please: 1st Warning screen, then... Thx in advance.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

So the Unblocker App should be installed by the Uplink Desktop, right? Do you see anything in the screen of the glasses, apart from the Activate screen?

Yes, the ublocker is indeed install.

  1. Boot the Jet and connect Jet to Win11. -> Jet shows activation screen
  2. Start Uplink
  3. In the Jet a message appears, that new App are available (Recon3Hub) and if I want to install it.
  4. On succesfull install, I can click done or open
  5. If I open it, it says the App is running and I can press back
  6. back -> return to activation screen
  7. reboot Jet -> activation screen
recom3 commented 1 year ago

Ok not so bad. At least the new App message appear, that is good. After installing the App, do not press the back button, as it should close alone itself. Before Activation screen does the glasses show the Warning Safety screen? The Warning Safety screen should be the first, as it is in the Snow2.

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

do not press the back button, as it should close alone itself.

Yes, it does.

Before Activation screen does the glasses show the Warning Safety screen? The Warning Safety screen should be the first, as it is in the Snow2.

Nope, Activation screen right at boot. No Warning Safety. Might be due to software versions? I have bought it with a huge discount, to there might be an older version or something.

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Extrange. Should be a Warning screen. Which are the exact words from the Activation screen?

recom3 commented 1 year ago

The flow in Not activated Snow2 is:

  1. Screen WARNING: Always be aware of your surroundings....--> click OK
  2. Screen Activate your device --> do nothing, wait
  3. Unblocker por ups and closes automatically
  4. GO

It seems that Jet is harder and has the Activation screen on top of everything

Romkabouter commented 1 year ago

I got some more info here:

My Jet shows this (no back button and also no reaction os pressing back) image

So different from this: image

Like I said, this might be due to other versions of the Recon software. There was a ReconsOS4, but also a version before that. I have extracted all my files from the Snow2 and will compare them with the Jet.

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Maybe let's open an issue for Jet activation problem We will check, but the good point if the unblock app is installing. Maybe with a little tuning...

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Added map tile support for Recon Jet Glasses and Snow 4.5 (i.e. produce tiles from OSM open street exported maps). Details in the other thread:

recom3 commented 1 year ago

Hello, After lot of effort the new Android App Ice3 is available to download. This App allows web communications for the goggles. As a sample it has been forked: Snow2Liftie Snow2Liftie -> credit to @Romkabouter (many thx!) No recon sdk needed for communications any more. Thx to everyone supporting us. (P.D.: next step is to publish the source code of Android App)

recom3 commented 11 months ago

Source code of new Android app published here (still some draft parts, we apologize)

Now in recom3 site new 0.1 subscription for 3 months, that allows unlocking of Recon Jet!

recom3 commented 10 months ago

September Update
The release of new app Ice3 allows us to progress further and integrate existing applications in the device.
We are opening a new market place with following free apps (many thx to the original developers):

Snow2Liftie->shows lift status near in your favorite resort
MyWeather2.0->shows weather conditions
Unblocker App->existing app to unblock Jet Glasses

recom3 commented 9 months ago

October Update

We continue with the publication of the api source code and plan to be ready for this season. Start to publish Uplink Desktop.

All the code will be open sourced as promised.
The fees are only to support the servers if you want to sync trips, buddies, apps, etc.
We will plan to keep the lifetime support fee only this season (we will give service to the existing ones ofc but will not be available for new ones).

recom3 commented 6 months ago

January Update

We have been working with Maps version 1 (first version of Recon Snow2). It is a vectorial format not used afterwards, but for the shake of completeness we wanted to fully implement it. In this format as described in Maps project, the piste plan for a resort has to be implemented fully in QGIS and then exported to the format supported for the Goggles.

Progressing with Uplink Desktop, that is not fully ready to be open sourced, but vey close. In the meantime we want to implement the functionality to upgrade the Snow2 app to the last published version (packages for the upgrade been tested now).

Other possibility in the long run could be a hardware upgrade using newer processors W4100. For that we plan to acquire some kits: TurboX SDW4100 Development Kit.

Romkabouter commented 6 months ago

Great! I am heading to the snow in a couple of weeks, so already recharged the goggle. Will try the new stuff asap!

Hardware upgrades sound really awesome, but do you mean refit it in the Snow2 or something?

recom3 commented 6 months ago

Great! I am heading to the snow in a couple of weeks, so already recharged the goggle. Will try the new stuff asap!

Hardware upgrades sound really awesome, but do you mean refit it in the Snow2 or something?

Well there are possibilities of improvement using the same form factor:

  1. For processor box (Snow2) a better hardware with faster processor can be fit. Possibly Snapdragon W4100
  2. Improve the current display with same, but with more resolution: Kopin KD030308KLV-K, resolución 854x480 (original was 480x240).

What do you think? At least keeping the form factor should be useful for the moment.

Romkabouter commented 6 months ago

I think it would be cool, but also I think that it is a very very small part of the people who own this device and actually still use it, are able to change the hardware. And yes, form factor is very important, otherwise it will not fit I guess

Romkabouter commented 6 months ago

I still have a version 3.2.1 of the software on anothet goggle I got. I cannot seem to get it on the version OS4 unfortunatly

recom3 commented 6 months ago

I think it would be cool, but also I think that it is a very very small part of the people who own this device and actually still use it, are able to change the hardware. And yes, form factor is very important, otherwise it will not fit I guess

Sure not a lot of people, but we think about the manufacturers existing experience like Oakley, Zeal, Smith IO to integrate the hardware. In any case, would be nice to split not only battery, but too the visor unit itself from the CPU, to have even more flexibility.

The investment is high and we would have to start with a module like: TurboX SDW4100 Development Kit (that is alone 1000$).

recom3 commented 6 months ago

I think it would be cool, but also I think that it is a very very small part of the people who own this device and actually still use it, are able to change the hardware. And yes, form factor is very important, otherwise it will not fit I guess

Sure not a lot of people, but we think about the manufacturers existing experience like Oakley, Zeal, Smith IO to integrate the hardware. In any case, would be nice to split not only battery, but too the visor unit itself from the CPU, to have even more flexibility.

The investment is high and we would have to start with a module like: TurboX SDW4100 Development Kit (that is alone 1000$).

Do you think it is work this inversion? Still not sure because there is a lot to do still with software.

recom3 commented 6 months ago

We have created a new discussion to speak about the new hardware, so ideas can be discussed: