redcode-labs / easyWSL

Create WSL distros based on Docker Images.
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Exception on Docker installation #10

Closed NinjaKittn closed 3 years ago

NinjaKittn commented 3 years ago

Hi redcode team,

I tried to install a docker container and ran in to an exception. It looks like a hardcoded path to your projects folder.

Unbehandelte Ausnahme: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Der Index war außerhalb des Arraybereichs. bei easyWSL.DistroInstaller.InstallDistro(String distroImage, String distroName, String distroPath, String easyWSLDataDirectory, String easyWSLDirectory, Boolean isCustomImageSpecified) in C:\Users\unrooted\Documents\projects\easyWSL\easyWSL\DistroInstaller.cs:Zeile 91. bei easyWSL.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\unrooted\Documents\projects\easyWSL\easyWSL\Program.cs:Zeile 147.PS

unrooted commented 3 years ago

Hi, which exact docker container you've tried to use, and how did you run into this issue? The code itself doesn't have anything hard-coded when it comes to the path: image Since making the release package, I've changed my username on my machine and I never ran into the problem like your one.

NinjaKittn commented 3 years ago

Nginx for example. But it turns out that the I forgot to use the tag. It works if I use nginx:latest.

I found some hardcoded paths inside .suo file.

Thank you

unrooted commented 3 years ago

.suo is a file which contains local info about the project, it doesn't affect anything in easyWSL case

Great to hear that now it works if you use tag

NinjaKittn commented 3 years ago

Interesting. But this path must come from somewhere. C:\Users\unrooted\Documents\projects\easyWSL\

Maybe it is only inside the release file.

unrooted commented 3 years ago

Check out the latest release here - a few people tested it, and it works perfectly fine for us.