To enable this I had to make new models for load more and continue thread fake comments.
These are now left in the flat list instead of using flags/data on the parent
to know when to show them. I tried to optimize the methods for processing
comment results. Worst case would be for loadMore responses we have to iterate through
the list twice to build the tree (to get depth more easily) then we iterate and walk
the comment trees once to build the instantiate the models, build the
flat list of comment stubs and create the dictionary of =>
To enable this I had to make new models for load more and continue thread fake comments. These are now left in the flat list instead of using flags/data on the parent to know when to show them. I tried to optimize the methods for processing comment results. Worst case would be for loadMore responses we have to iterate through the list twice to build the tree (to get depth more easily) then we iterate and walk the comment trees once to build the instantiate the models, build the flat list of comment stubs and create the dictionary of =>