redhat-developer / odo

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Add odo `catalog describe service <service_name>` #689

Closed surajnarwade closed 5 years ago

surajnarwade commented 6 years ago

odo catalog describe service <service_name> should print information about given service, for example,

odo catalog describe service <service_name>


* Dev: 

* Prod:
cmoulliard commented 6 years ago

Why do you place the verb describe after catalog and not instead after service -> odo catalog describe service <service_name> ?

surajnarwade commented 6 years ago

we followed this earlier,

* odo catalog search service <service_name>


* odo catalog describe service <service_name>
cmoulliard commented 6 years ago

As the rule to name a command is following this convention odo <entity> <verb>, I think that we should do the same when we add a second entity odo <entity> <sub-entity> <verb> and by consequence the commands should be :

odo catalog service search or odo catalog service describe as we want to say. I want to search for services part of the catalog or I want to describe a service part of the catalog.

That also simplifies how you would like to switch between same related <entity> commands but by changing the <verb> only

I search for a service and then I describe it

odo catalog service search dh-mysql
odo catalog service describe dh-mysql-apb

will need less changes in my terminal (2 words to be changed) vs

odo catalog search service dh-mysql
odo catalog describe service dh-mysql-apb

where 3 words must be changed when I will describe a service after doing a search

surajnarwade commented 6 years ago

agreed @cmoulliard , thanks for nice explanation :)

cmoulliard commented 6 years ago

Can we document such decision globally to make sure that we will adopt/follow same convention for all the odo commands ? @kadel @jorgemoralespou @surajnarwade

jorgemoralespou commented 6 years ago

@cmoulliard One of the goals of the tools is to be fluent and intuitive.

In English you would most likely say describe service rather than service describe. It is a matter of preference, and in your example about less typing, depends how you type, you can just replace the term that changes easily and not to type again from that term to the end of the line.

This is something that needs to be discussed further if need to change.

mik-dass commented 5 years ago

@kadel @jorgemoralespou @surajnarwade What data should I include in the output? I am currently assuming name, short description and long description and the plan details. Will it be a good id to include the UID, tags and other similar stuffs?

cmoulliard commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if UID should be included but we need the info you proposed plus also bindable: true | false, tags


svcat get classes dh-postgresql-apb -o yaml
  Name: dh-postgresql-apb
  Bindable: true
  Operated by the broker : ansible-service-broker
  Short description: SCL PostgreSQL apb implementation
  Long Description: An apb that deploys postgresql 9.5, 9.6 or 10.
  Versions available :
  - database
  - postgresql
  - Name: dev
    Display Name: Development
    Description: This plan provides a single non-HA PostgreSQL server without persistent storage
      - postgresql_database:
        default: admin
        pattern: ^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$
        title: PostgreSQL Database Name
        type: string
      - postgresql_password:
        pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_~!@#$%^&*()-=<>,.?;:|]+$
        title: PostgreSQL Password
        type: string
      - postgresql_user:
        default: admin
        maxLength: 63
        pattern: ^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$
        title: PostgreSQL User
        type: string
      - postgresql_version:
        default: "10"
        - "10"
        - "9.6"
        - "9.5"
        title: PostgreSQL Version
        type: string
    - postgresql_database
    - postgresql_user
    - postgresql_password
    - postgresql_version

Remark : Does the word bindable should be used or instead should we propose a more user's friendly word that a user will understand ?

mik-dass commented 5 years ago

@cmoulliard Interestingly certain fields are missing in my output like version available,operated by and others

[mrinaldas@localhost Downloads]$ ./svcat get classes dh-postgresql-apb -o yaml
  creationTimestamp: 2018-09-14T08:14:20Z
  name: 1dda1477cace09730bd8ed7a6505607e
  resourceVersion: "297"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 2e66d91d-b7f6-11e8-939e-0242ac110005
  bindable: true
  bindingRetrievable: false
  clusterServiceBrokerName: openshift-automation-service-broker
  description: SCL PostgreSQL apb implementation
  externalID: 1dda1477cace09730bd8ed7a6505607e
  externalMetadata: icon-postgresql
    displayName: PostgreSQL (APB)
    longDescription: An apb that deploys postgresql 9.5, 9.6 or 10.
    providerDisplayName: Red Hat, Inc.
  externalName: dh-postgresql-apb
  planUpdatable: true
  - database
  - postgresql
  removedFromBrokerCatalog: false
cmoulliard commented 5 years ago

I have renamed some of the svcat fields to make them more readable e;-)

mik-dass commented 5 years ago

@cmoulliard Can you please provide the mapping details? I mean which variable got renamed to which, it's confusing me :)

cmoulliard commented 5 years ago

For sure

Service info

odo field service/plan field Example
Name spec.Externalname dh-postgresql-apb
Bind spec.bindable true
Operated by the broker spec.clusterServiceBrokerName ansible-service-broker
Description spec.description SCL PostgreSQL apb implementation
Long Description spec.externalMetadata.longDescription An apb that deploys postgresql 9.5, 9.6 or 10.
Versions available spec.externalMetadata.dependencies -, ....
Tags spec.tags - database, - postgresql

Plan info

odo field service/plan field Example
Name spec.externalName dev
Display Name spec.externalMetadata.displayName Development
Description spec.externalMetadata.longdescription This plan provides a single non-HA PostgreSQL server without persistent storage
Parameters - postgresqldatabase: default: admin pattern: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ title: PostgreSQL Database Name type: string
Required spec.instanceCreateParameterSchema.required - postgresql_database, - postgresql_user - postgresql_password - postgresql_version
mik-dass commented 5 years ago

@cmoulliard Thanks a ton! This is really helpful :+1: