redislabs-training / slides-as-code-setup

Setup scripts for the slides-as-code project
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Script is assuming #8

Open dmaier-redislabs opened 4 years ago

dmaier-redislabs commented 4 years ago

There is an error message ' No such file ...' if running from a folder which doesn't have a file in it.

/Users/david/opt/slides-as-code-setup/ line 8: No such file or directory
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100     6  100     6    0     0      8      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     8
Using docker image version  1.1.8 

Use one of the following arguments:
    init        - Creates a default file you can use as a starting point
    serve       - Serves the slide deck in a browser
    export      - Exports the slide deck as a standalone html file (no dependencies)
    pdf         - Exports the slide deck as a pdf
    update      - Updates an existent presentation to the latest version% 
elena-kolevska commented 4 years ago

@nosqlgeek that message just reports there is no file in the folder. The error here seems to be that there was no valid argument provided to the script. It should be one of the listed options. If you choose init (as it should be, in an empty folder without a file), it will create the package info for you. I could hide that message, but it might be kind of useful when that file is indeed expected but not found.