redleafnew / delitemwithatt

Remove attachment(s) when delete the item(s) or collection in Zotero and JurisM.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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能否处理条目已经被删了的游离附件 #4

Closed wohenbushuang closed 3 years ago

wohenbushuang commented 3 years ago


  1. 对指定的数据文件夹下,没有在数据库中链接的附件进行清理
  2. 删掉剩余的空文件夹
redleafnew commented 3 years ago

Zotero不用安装其它软件清理删除条目后残留的PDF方法见 Zotero库中参考文献条目删除后,清除残留PDF的python脚本 Zotero中安装了Zotfile后删除文献后清除PDF附件的小程序 其它技巧见:

redleafnew commented 3 years ago


wohenbushuang commented 3 years ago


redleafnew commented 3 years ago上提到: At least there is one workaround:

  1. Stop any syncing serves. Just in case.
  2. Change zotfile folder to any temp directory.
  3. In Zotero select all files -> right click -> Manage Attachments -> Rename Attachments. That will move files which are only in your Zotero library.
  4. Remove everything from the original folder. At this point it is better to sync intermediate state to avoid any conflicts in the future.
  5. Change zotfile folder to the original directory.
  6. In Zotero select all files -> right click -> Manage Attachments -> Rename Attachments.
  7. Profit.