Open Th3Whit3Wolf opened 4 years ago
Hi, thank you for your request. The naming is a combination of window / event backend and render backend e.g. by minraq
is the window / event backend minifb and the render backend raqote.
I see I will provide more details on the Readme. At the moment we evaluate different backends, therefore the mass of backends. I think at the end it will not more then maximum three.
Not clear on why or when to use different backends
Right now orbtk has 4 different backends, all that I can gather from the readme is that orbraq has the most features and I can use stdweb to compile to wasm. Reading through the issues I found this which suggests to me that glupath (experimental) should have more performance, though I'm not sure in which way or how measurable, than orbraq. Guessing by the name miniraq maybe produces a smaller binary?
A table with detailed feature comparisons would be awesome.