Closed pantheredeye closed 2 months ago
The setup command should have already added lucide for you. How did you setup rw-shad?
Here's the relevant code from the setup-rw-shad
await execa.command(
'yarn workspace web add tailwindcss-animate class-variance-authority clsx tailwind-merge lucide-react',
? {
cwd: process.env['RWJS_CWD'],
: {}
old package shows it in there ,added with rw-shad. hmm. when i had the file open it had red squiggles for lucide. shrug This is a non-issue! Thanks!
Is there a way to add lucide-react automatically with the install, or component install, or alert the user that it (or some other library) might be needed? I didn't know that was a dependency in the dropdownmenu item, but i had the code open and saw it had a red squiggle.
It might have still worked, but I might not have ever realized something was missing!