Hi, it would be great to have the ability to add more images at once, when using page images.
Also a prehighlight of all the uploaded images would be a great feature (Use case: I want to insert couple of pageimages, they're not uploaded yet. So I upload them all in page images insert dialog, and I want to insert them all. So if they were prehighlighted in the images for insertion, and I could only click once to insert them all, it would be great). Great refinery plugin btw. Thanks for all your great work.
Hi, it would be great to have the ability to add more images at once, when using page images. Also a prehighlight of all the uploaded images would be a great feature (Use case: I want to insert couple of pageimages, they're not uploaded yet. So I upload them all in page images insert dialog, and I want to insert them all. So if they were prehighlighted in the images for insertion, and I could only click once to insert them all, it would be great). Great refinery plugin btw. Thanks for all your great work.