refinery / refinerycms-page-images

Adds an images tab to your pages so you can format a group of images really nicely on the frontend
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Unpermitted params images_attributes resources_attributes #99

Closed mattherick closed 10 years ago

mattherick commented 10 years ago

If I add the refinerycms-page-images to my rails 4 refinery project (currently I am working with all gems from the master) I always get an unpermitted images_attributes if I add a new image in the context of creating or updating a page.

How can this be fixed?

I already tried to override the new_page_params and the page_params method in the Refinery::Admin::PagesController - but it does not work. I also use an modified version of the refinerycms-page-resources gem (fix of dependencies to the refinerycms gem). Here I always get unpermitted resources_attributes.

Anybody an idea how this can be fixed in both gems - ideally directly in both gems - independent from each other, like a new page_extensions_params method which will be merged with the new_page_params and the page_params methods from the Refinery::Admin::PagesController direclty in this controller?

Anybody an idea?

ugisozols commented 10 years ago

@mattherick check out which addressed permitting extra params.

refinerycms-page-images could use a decorator to permit extra params.

mattherick commented 10 years ago

thx! works perfect.

ugisozols commented 10 years ago


amdest commented 10 years ago

I'm sorry, guys, i'm totally confused.

Out of the box refinerycms-page-images gives me the following notice, when I try to add an image: out_of_the_box

After I add a pages_controller_decorator as shown here — I get this: with_decorator

Despite that second warning — all listed attributes are successfully saved upon change, except images_attributes.

Rails 4.1.4, Ruby 2.1.2, Refinery from master branch, page-images from master branch.


parndt commented 10 years ago

cc @anitagraham

anitagraham commented 10 years ago

The message (more informational than error) comes whenever you permit fewer attributes than there are in params. I think you just need to put up with it, once you have permitted all the attributes you need. If

params: {a:1, b:2, c:3}

I think you will see two messages

unpermitted parameters: b, c
unpermitted parameters: a, c

and you will be able to update a and b, but not c.

I am just about to add page-images to my sample app (now working for testimonials, thanks @parndt , @gwagener ), so I will watch out for images_attributes.

anitagraham commented 10 years ago

Those images_attributes are tricksy. You would think that you would permit them in the same way that you do parts_attributes.

      def page_params
        params.require(:page).permit(:browser_title, :draft, :link_url, :menu_title, :meta_description,
          :parent_id, :skip_to_first_child, :show_in_menu, :title, :view_template,
          :layout_template, :custom_slug, parts_attributes: [:id, :title, :body, :position])

However doing this:

Refinery::Admin::PagesController.class_eval do

  # Add :images_attributes to page_params for strong parameters.
  def page_params_with_images_attributes_params
    imagesattributes_params = params.require(:page).permit(images_attributes: [:id, :caption])
  alias_method_chain :page_params, :images_attributes_params


Doesn't save the image attributes. It does report

Unpermitted parameters: -1, 0, 1
Unpermitted parameters: title, parts_attributes, draft, parent_id, view_template, menu_title, skip_to_first_child, link_url, show_in_menu, browser_title, meta_descri
Unpermitted parameters: images_attributes

For the record the relevant params are

      "0"=>{ "body"=>"<p>Here are some images from my brother's flickr stream.</p>",  "position"=>"0",  "id"=>"1"},
      "1"=>{"body"=>"",  "position"=>"1",  "id"=>"2"}
      "0"=>{"id"=>"5",   "caption"=>"" },
      "1"=>{"id"=>"3",   "caption"=>""}

parts_attributes and images_attributes should be treated in the same way. (Except perhaps for that -1)

amdest commented 10 years ago


Someone here already mentioned that this empty "-1" key doesn't allow saving.

By the way, when pages_controller_decorator with above mentioned code exist upon server start — the first save of the page that contains PageImage gives "stack level too deep" error. If I comment out page_params_with_images_attributes_params (or remove decorator) without server restart — I get "Unpermitted parameters: images_attributes".

"Stack level too deep" doesn't reappear if i get decorator back without server restart.

anitagraham commented 10 years ago

I am seeing some intermittent successes. Right now and with the following two decorators I can save both images (and testimonials) to a page - if I delete the -1 element from the page before I save.

It is several years since I dug deep into page_image_picker.js so I don't remember the function of the -1 element. I will look at page_resource_picker.js too (which I wrote) and see if I left any hints there.

My real problem is with intermittent. The decorators start with a stack level too deep error. Fiddling around with debug/ap statements or simple variable name changes may "fix" the problem, but my faith in that is not strong.

During the course of a save I see unpermitted parameters:

Unpermitted parameters: title, parts_attributes, images_attributes, draft, parent_id, view_template, menu_title, skip_to_first_child, link_url, show_in_menu, browser
_title, meta_description
Unpermitted parameters: images_attributes, testimonials_show, testimonials_count, testimonials_select
Unpermitted parameters: -1 *if I haven't deleted -1*
Unpermitted parameters: title, parts_attributes, draft, parent_id, view_template, menu_title, skip_to_first_child, link_url, show_in_menu, browser_title, meta_descri
ption, testimonials_show, testimonials_count, testimonials_select
  1. Must be when we permit (or check) the testimonials attributes (which are 3 scalars)
  2. Looks the like the standard permit from page_controller (all the standard attributes)
  3. Anyone's guess
  4. From the permit (or check) of the image_attributes.

Finally the currently working decorators:

Refinery::Admin::PagesController.class_eval do

  # Add :testimonials_attributes to page_params for strong parameters.
  def page_params_with_testimonials_params
    test_params = params.require(:page).permit(:testimonials_show, :testimonials_count, :testimonials_select)
  alias_method_chain :page_params, :testimonials_params


Refinery::Admin::PagesController.class_eval do

  # Add :images_attributes to page_params for strong parameters.
  def page_params_with_images_attributes_params
    page_params_without_images_attributes_params.merge(params.require(:page).permit(images_attributes: [:id, :caption]))
  alias_method_chain :page_params, :images_attributes_params

amdest commented 10 years ago

@anitagraham — about "-1" take a look at #100, please.

anitagraham commented 10 years ago

Thanks, looking at the code in the extension that deals with it now.

anitagraham commented 10 years ago

So, it seems the problem is the -1, but we can get it accepted by strong parameters by formatting it properly. It might be time to run some tests.

  <%= hidden_field_tag "#{f.object_name.demodulize}[images_attributes][-1][image_page_id]", "-1" %>
  <%= hidden_field_tag "#{f.object_name.demodulize}[images_attributes][-1][id]", "-1" %>
  <%= hidden_field_tag "#{f.object_name.demodulize}[images_attributes][-1][caption]", "" %>
anitagraham commented 10 years ago

Tests pass, but still getting stack-level-too-deep most of the time, with the occasional success.

anitagraham commented 10 years ago

Final result for a consistently working decorator is

# app/decorators/controllers/admin_pages_controller_decorator.rb
Refinery::Admin::PagesController.class_eval do
  pp_method_builder = do
    # Get a reference to the  original method with all previous permissions already applied.
    page_params_method = instance_method :page_params

    # Define the new method.
    define_method("page_params_with_page_image_params") do
      pi_params = params.require(:page).permit(images_attributes: [:id, :caption, :image_page_id])

  alias_method_chain :page_params, :page_image_params, &pp_method_builder

To handle the -1 parameter (as written above)

        module_eval do
          def images_attributes=(data)
            data.reject! {|_, d| d['image_page_id']=='-1'}
            ids_to_keep ={|_, d| d['image_page_id']}.compact