reggi / shopify

Just a place to track issues and feature requests that I have for shopify
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"Beating" the 50 object limit (collections / products & blogs / articles) #18

Open reggi opened 9 years ago

reggi commented 9 years ago

Spoke more about this here

The only way I have of beating that limit is storing collection handles in a linklist like this pullProducts1, pullProducts2, pullProducts3. Then you can loop over collections with 50 products in them.

{% for pressBlog in linklists["press-blogs"].links reversed %}
  {% if blogs[pressBlog.title] %}
    {% for local in blogs[pressBlog.title].articles %}
      <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-2">
        <a href="{{ }}" class="thumbnail" data-original-title="{{ }}" target="_blank">
          <img src="{{ | asset_url }}" alt="{{ }}">
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
mennyg commented 9 years ago

I wonder if this can be used to beat the 100 variant limit that Shopify has. Have a parent product, and instead of showing its own variants, show an unlimited amount of child products as the variants using metafields

reggi commented 9 years ago

@mennyg I'm not exactly sure, you'll just have to test it out and report back :)

mennyg commented 9 years ago

Well, i tried. Im pretty new at this, so dont judge too much :) I did it a bit differently using metafields, but it didnt work. See here:

{% assign productHandleArray = | split:',' %}
{% for productHandle in productHandleArray %}
  {% for variant in all_products[productHandle].variants %}
    {% capture allvariants %}{{ allvariants | append: }}{% endcapture %}
    {% capture allvariants %}{{ allvariants | append: ',' }}{% endcapture %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign product_variants = allvariants | split:',' %}

<div class="product-options">

          <div class="select clearfix">
            <select id="product-select" name="id">
              {% for variant in product_variants %}
              <option value="{{ }}"{% if variant == product.selected_or_first_available_variant %} selected="selected" {% endif %}>{{ variant.title }} - {{ variant_price | money }}
              {% endfor %}

It seems to not be able to pull the variant information from the array :(

reggi commented 9 years ago

@mennyg to my knowledge there is no allvariants variable within your capture.

mennyg commented 9 years ago

Got it to work :) thanx to zakhardage for his option selector Here Shopify's option_selection.js didnt work for this)

<form action="/cart/add" method="post">
{% assign productHandleArray = | split:',' %}
  {% assign productHandle = productHandleArray | first %}
  {% if all_products[productHandle].options.size > 1 %}
        {% if all_products[productHandle].options[0] %}
            {% assign used = '' %}
            <label for="select-one">{{ all_products[productHandle].options[0] }}</label>
            <select id='select-one' onchange="letsDoThis()">
              {% for productHandle in productHandleArray %}
                {% for variant in all_products[productHandle].variants %}
                    {% unless used contains variant.option1 %}
                        <option value="{{ variant.option1 }}">{{ variant.option1 }}</option>
                        {% capture used %}{{ used }} {{ variant.option1 }}{% endcapture %}
                    {% endunless %}
                {% endfor %}
              {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if all_products[productHandle].options[1] %}
            {% assign used = '' %}
            <label for="select-one">{{ all_products[productHandle].options[1] }}</label>
            <select id='select-two' onchange="letsDoThis()">
              {% for productHandle in productHandleArray %}
                {% for variant in all_products[productHandle].variants %}
                    {% unless used contains variant.option2 %}
                        <option value="{{ variant.option2 }}">{{ variant.option2 }}</option>
                        {% capture used %}{{ used }} {{ variant.option2 }}{% endcapture %}
                    {% endunless %}
                {% endfor %}
              {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if all_products[productHandle].options[2] %}
            {% assign used = '' %}
            <label for="select-one">{{ all_products[productHandle].options[2] }}</label>
            <select id='select-three' onchange="letsDoThis()">
              {% for productHandle in productHandleArray %}
                {% for variant in all_products[productHandle].variants %}
                    {% unless used contains variant.option3 %}
                        <option value="{{ variant.option3 }}">{{ variant.option3 }}</option>
                        {% capture used %}{{ used }} {{ variant.option3 }}{% endcapture %}
                    {% endunless %}
                {% endfor %}
              {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    <input type="hidden"name="id" id="product-select" value="{{ all_products[productHandle] }}" />                


    function letsDoThis() {
  {% assign productHandleArray = | split:',' %}
  {% assign productHandle = productHandleArray | first %}
        {% if all_products[productHandle].options[0] %}var opt1 = document.getElementById('select-one').value;{% endif %}
        {% if all_products[productHandle].options[1] %}var opt2 = document.getElementById('select-two').value;{% endif %}
        {% if all_products[productHandle].options[2] %}var opt3 = document.getElementById('select-three').value;{% endif %}
        var id = '';
        {% for productHandle in productHandleArray %}
        {% for v in all_products[productHandle].variants %}
        if(opt1=="{{ v.option1 }}"{% if all_products[productHandle].options[1] %} && opt2=="{{ v.option2 }}"{% endif %}{% if all_products[productHandle].options[2] %} && opt3=="{{ v.option3 }}"{% endif %}) {
                var id = {{ }};
                var price = "{{ v.price | money }}";
        {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
        if(id!='') {
            document.getElementById('product-select').value = id;
            document.getElementById('price').innerHTML = price;
        } else {
            document.getElementById('product-select').value = '';
            document.getElementById('price').innerHTML = 'Unavailable';

reggi commented 9 years ago

@mennyg Glad you got it working, thanks for posting the code here!