regismarteau / tic-tac-toe

A TicTacToe game with DDD, CQRS, Clean Archi and more !
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Unbeatable Tic Tac Toe

This is a .NET application exposing endpoints to play to a Tic tac toe game versus a computer that doesn't want to loose against you!


This is a repository to illustrate an efficient way to develop Web API at a larger scale. This type of architecture and solutions have already been developed and used in a production environment.

It uses some of the top modern designs, such as :

You'll find useful readmes inside every project's folder to explain noticeable choices, pros, cons and trade-offs.


flowchart LR
    classDef test fill:#bee9bf
    classDef default fill:#eaedfe
    classDef application fill:#3f51b5,color:#fff
    UseCases:::default --> Domain
    Queries:::default --> Database
    Infrastructure:::default --> Database
    Infrastructure --> UseCases
    Infrastructure --> Queries
    Web:::application --> Infrastructure
    UnitTests:::test --> Domain
    AcceptanceTests:::test --> Web
    click Domain ""
    click UseCases ""
    click Queries ""
    click Infrastructure ""
    click Web ""
    click UnitTests ""
    click AcceptanceTests ""
    click Database ""


Obviously, there are a lot things arguable in this, there are definitively a lot of ways to do this application differently, I don't pretend to have the best and only solution! If you think about better ideas or design, feel free to chat with me! :)

Also, there are quite a lot of things missing such as error handling, authentication / authorization, external services configuration (db, message broker, logging) but it wasn't the purpose of this work, so it has been deliberately omitted.