rembo10 / headphones

Automatic music downloader for SABnzbd
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.35k stars 603 forks source link

Reinstall #2367

Open WaaromZoMoeilijk opened 8 years ago

WaaromZoMoeilijk commented 8 years ago

Hey great app, had it for about one year working with the vip server, had a blast!

Now i freshly installed ubuntu 14.04 again, followed the install steps but after the install i cant connect to '' (its a headless server, everything is done with ssh on laptop. Other apps like couchpotato/sonarr work perfectly)

python shows this:

root@SERVER:/opt/headphones# python 13-sep-2015 13:32:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking to see if the database has all tables.... 13-sep-2015 13:32:01 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 13-sep-2015 13:32:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Headphones is up to date 13-sep-2015 13:32:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Headphones web server on http://localhost:8181/ 13-sep-2015 13:32:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Scheduled background task: Search for Wanted 13-sep-2015 13:32:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Scheduled background task: Download Scan 13-sep-2015 13:32:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Scheduled background task: Library Scan 13-sep-2015 13:32:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Scheduled background task: MusicBrainz Update 13-sep-2015 13:32:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Scheduled background task: Check GitHub for updates 13-sep-2015 13:32:04 - INFO :: MainThread : Scheduled background task: Torrent removal check

no errors anywhere, i'm kind of lost right now!

Hope anyone can help!

Kind regards,


YipYup commented 8 years ago
  1. Can you post the contents of your /etc/default/headphones ? cat /etc/default/headphones
  2. Also, after starting headphones as you normally would, wait about 60 seconds, and then do these commands and paste the output:
    • service headphones status
    • ps aux | grep
dv336699 commented 8 years ago

@ezraholm50 edit /opt/headphones/config.ini change http_host = localhost to http_host =

Restart, then you should be able to connect.

WaaromZoMoeilijk commented 8 years ago

@diego-vieira There is no config.ini file in that folder... tried nearly every file to find anything similar but nothing came up.


root@SERVER:~# service headphones status

Seems a few files are missing, anyone know how to fix this? Reinstalling doesnt help (also freshly installed ubuntu after having some other issue's but that did not help either)

Thanks for the help both!!! Kind regards,


YipYup commented 8 years ago


Where did you place the headphones base directory at? For Ubuntu it is advised to install headphone to /opt/headphones/ per .

Also, can you confirm if this symbolic link exists? ls -alh /etc/init.d/headphones

I would recommend you follow these instructions to register it as a service for automatic startup and shutdown with the operating system, as well as to give you support for the start, stop, and restart arguments such as service headphones restart.

Install as a service on Ubuntu:

WaaromZoMoeilijk commented 8 years ago

@YipYup I did everything like last time when it worked, just follow the steps in the readme install on github. directory is /opt/headphones indeed

root@SERVER:~# ls -alh /etc/init.d/headphones lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 40 sep 13 22:05 /etc/init.d/headphones -> /opt/headphones/init-scripts/init.ubuntu

I did that manually via some steps to create the automated service..

YipYup commented 8 years ago

@ezraholm50 Looks like we still need to enable the service. Try: update-rc.d headphones enable

Give your system a reboot, and then let's see if it is recognized and running as a service after reboot. service headphones status

WaaromZoMoeilijk commented 8 years ago

Did both, status gives me: headphones stop/waiting...

Service headphones start, gives started with process nr but web gui still no access..

Thx for the help.