remear / jewelrybox

OS X RVM Manager
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Project Management, Gemfiles, Future Features #149

Open kimardenmiller opened 12 years ago

kimardenmiller commented 12 years ago

Thank you for the responsive interest :)

First, it feels necessary to point out that I'm a brand new Ruby programmer. As such, I may be more inclined to seek GUI alternatives than a veteran more committed to the command line. Hence my interest in JB. I'm also trying to make RubyMine work for me, but have not yet decided if it's the best route or not.

I guess the RubyMine case illustrates your point pretty well. RM cannot create gemsets, but can update them. JB can create them, but not update them. That said, it seems the little bit of overlap there would be fine, but agreed, not necessarily required. However, as it was usine JB it did feel strange to create a gemset, and manually enter the stack, but not be able to read a gemfile. Just a thought.

There currently isn't a way to load in gems from a Gemfile. I feel this feature would be useful but there have been lengthy discussions over how to have JewelryBox integrate with bundler. Again, the core rule of JewelryBox is much the same as the Prime Directive. It should not interfere with your command-line experience, nor should it take over everything and be the only means of managing your RVM-based Ruby experience.

There's been talk about introducing project management into JewelryBox where you could place specific Ruby/Rails projects under JewelryBox management and it could do things like watch for Gemfile changes and auto bundle, notify users of available gem updates (e.g. new Rails versions), start/stop applications, launch IRB or rails console sessions, and more. There was a kickstarter project a while ago for these kinds of features but there wasn't much interest shown. We're proceeding with the same roadmap, just at a slower pace as we have time.