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CLI / Tools / Productivity #62

Open staxmanade opened 8 years ago

staxmanade commented 8 years ago

Hey @elskwid,

@scottstanfield is an amazing presenter and would be interested in giving a talk in Q1 of next year. He lives in the bay area.

He's a big fan of VI and command line, but gives some great presentations.

Here's a couple podcasts he's been on:

cjavdev commented 8 years ago

How about May 23, 2016? CLI, vim, or any awesome tools that make developers more efficient? bump @scottstanfield

scottstanfield commented 8 years ago

I think I can make May 23rd work. I'm fly-fishing in Casper, Wyoming May 18-22. I could just fly to Reno instead of home.

I would love to give a CLI productivity talk. I regularly use these tools:

zsh cli, bash scripts, vim, tmux, csvtools, sqlite

I think a lot about how to best setup a clean, new machines with the fewest steps. It's the "what do I do with the first 10 minutes on a new machine".

And more importantly, "how do I never take my fingers off the home-row keys"

We could have a lot of fun with this.

cjavdev commented 8 years ago

Awesome! You're in the books for May! Thanks, @scottstanfield.

scottstanfield commented 8 years ago

Great! I'll need to double-check over the next few days that I can easily get from WO to Reno, but shouldn't be a problem.

I will tell you that this will be the first slide in my deck: the rosetta stone terminal

cjavdev commented 8 years ago

haha! Nice :) okay let me know if it will not work for you.

scottstanfield commented 8 years ago

Guys: I'm afraid I can't make it for this date. I will need to reschedule for a future time. :(

cjavdev commented 8 years ago

Would still love to have someone give this talk. Leaving open as a suggestion. We're replacing with codekata!

cjavdev commented 8 years ago

We still do want to do a tools / CLI talk. I wonder if it makes sense to create a list of tasks to complete and have 3-4 people talk about / show and tell what they use and how they would solve the problem?

What is the best format for showing off tools? We could probably have a completely separate talk on editor wars (vim would win obviously).

bash, vim, tmux, hot keys / shortcuts (how to jump to beginning end of line type stuff), alfred, using vms? is that related enough?

This comment has devolved into a brain dump... :(

Questions for productivity people:

@colinloretz and @staxmanade have expressed interest in talking about this stuff.

colinloretz commented 8 years ago

All of the above!

Everyone has a dfferent workflow and it would be cool to have a few people show off theirs. Someone is bound to learn something and the presenter can also get questions about "what they did there", etc but might even learn a better way of doing things.

cjavdev commented 8 years ago

Lets nail down a panel of speakers for this on August 22nd. I'm thinking 3 - 4 would be good. :)

elskwid commented 8 years ago

Uh oh, we didn't get a panel. I suppose we're doing a roundtable tonight. 😄

hekaldama commented 7 years ago

I can talk / present / sit at round table for this.