Open yorickvP opened 11 months ago
Spent some time debugging the deps
This installs the binaries in principle:
$ pip install -t /dep -r /tmp/requirements.txt
$ ls /dep/bin
accelerate cpack ds_bench fonttools jsonschema pyftmerge transformers-cli wb
accelerate-config cpuinfo ds_elastic gradio lit pyftsubset ttx wheel
accelerate-launch ctest ds_report hjson markdown-it pygmentize upload_theme
cmake deepspeed ds_ssh httpx markdown2 shortuuid uvicorn
convert-caffe2-to-onnx dsr huggingface-cli ninja torchrun wandb
convert-onnx-to-caffe2 ds f2py isympy normalizer tqdm wavedrompy
However, cog's doing:
$ pip install -t /dep /tmp/
$ pip install -t /dep -r /tmp/requirements.txt
$ ls /dep/bin
dotenv normalizer uvicorn watchfiles
This then gets to the final image as:
root@948a06b767ed:/src# ls /root/.pyenv/versions/3.11.6/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bin
dotenv normalizer uvicorn watchfiles
So, 3 problems:
do you have any suggestions for fixing this?
I think this fixes it:
RUN --mount=type=bind,from=deps,source=/dep,target=/dep cp -rf /dep/bin/* $(pyenv prefix)/bin; pyenv rehash
Starting in cog 0.9.0b1, binaries included with python dependencies are no longer installed. Repro: deepspeed used to install
binary, doesn't anymore.