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Checklists for different roles in devroom team #29

Open aleesteele opened 8 months ago

aleesteele commented 8 months ago

This year, there are lots of new folks (including myself 👋 ) helping to organise this devroom. As we divide ourselves into different roles, we thought it would be helpful to create check-lists for each role, to help keep track of what folks need to do for each role. Maybe we can add these lists to the repository? So far in our organising pad, we've come up with the following tasks:

These roles are split between the door team (🚪) and stage team (💃 ). Within each group, there is a lot of room to help each other with tasks.

Start of Day Welcome (not a set role - does the 1st moderator does this?):

Moderator 💃 :

Backup 💃 :

Social media 💃 :

Camera tech 💃 :

Gatekeeper (2 for each session) 🚪: Standing by doors to stop people from coming in and out during talk times (to not disrupt speakers)

Feeder: Grabbing food and drinks for organising team (usually during afternoon)

aleesteele commented 7 months ago

Learnings from facilitating devroom today:

different styles of moderation (i like the second!)

difficult for people to remember to repeat their question – maybe someone is always staying in front of the stage?