resource-reasoning / jscert_dev

This repository is now abandoned in favour of using
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** Installation

*** The easy way

You can download a VM pre-loaded with JSCert and all our
dependencies [[][here]]. That VM is in [[][Open Virtualization Format]], and
should work with your favourite VM package.

*** The developer option

You can get the latest source from [[][here]].

JSCert depends on:
- Coq (version 8.4.6)
- OCaml (version 4 or above minimum, 4.02 or above for all optional features to build)
- Java (for the parser)

In addition, in order to run the Test262 tests, and query the
results you will need:
- Python
- Haskell
- SqlLite

Note: JSCert is not fully supported on 32-bit Linux platforms due to floating point extended precision problems.

**** Basic Install First, get java. On Ubuntu, this looks something like this:

+begin_src sh

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre


  Mac and windows users can get Java from [[][here]].

  Now you need OCaml (>4.0) and Coq. The easiest way to get these
  is to use opam tool. You can get it with Ubuntu like this:

+begin_src sh

add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ocaml42+opam12 apt-get update apt-get install opam


  Other platforms can download from [[][here]].

  Once you have opam, you can install OCaml and Coq:

+begin_src sh

opam init opam switch 4.02.3 make init


  Now you can build JSCert:

+begin_src sh



  Note that the following error is normal and can
  be ignored:

+begin quote

Warning: The following logical axioms were encountered: binds_equiv_read binds_rem binds_rem_inv indom_equiv_binds not_indom_rem. Having invalid logical axiom in the environment when extracting may lead to incorrect or non-terminating ML terms.

+end quote

This is because, as reported in [[][the paper]], we have not yet proved correctness for all the native libraries.

You can now explore any of the Coq files in JSCert using [[][Proof General]], or if you wish to use [[][CoqIDE]] you can run:

+begin_src sh

./ &


If you make changes, you should do the following to re-build:

+begin_src sh

make clean make


**** Testing Install

  In order to be able to run tests (for example the Test262 tests)
  using JSRef, you will also need python. Ubuntu users can do:

+begin_src sh

sudo apt-get install python


  Everyone else can download from [[][here]].

  This is enough to simply run the tests, and see results printed
  to your console. If you would also like to generate a
  pretty-printed web page containing the results of a given test
  run, you will need the pystache library. You can install this
  using pip, which Ubuntu users can get with apt:

+begin_src sh

sudo apt-get install python-pip


  And others can get from [[][here]]. To install pystache:

+begin_src sh

pip install --user pystache


  If you plan to develop the interpreter, you may wish to
  saving the results of your test runs (which can be quite
  lengthy) to query later. For this, you will need SQLLite, and
  haskell. Ubuntu users can do:

+begin_src sh

sudo apt-get install cabal-install sqlite3


  And others can get SQLLite [[][here]], and Haskell [[][here]].

  Everyone should do:

+begin_src sh

cabal update cabal install cabal-dev


** How to read JSCert

Our development is described in details [[][on this page]].

*** Why are some things marked "Admitted" ?

JSCert is a large project, and can take some time to build.
Fortunately, there are some simple tricks we regularly use to make
best use of our developers time. For example: a consequence of the
Coq compilation strategy is that a great many checks are only
performed when the compiler or IDE encounters a =Qed= line. In a
project with only a few definitions, the difference is negligible,
but in JSCert, we find compilation is significantly faster during
our regular developments if we replace most of the =Qed= lines of
our proofs with =Admitted= lines. When working on a particular
lemma, we will check that the =Qed= works with that lemma, and
will assume the rest of the project. Every so often we run a
script which replaces all these =Admitted= lines with =Qed=, and
we check the integrity of the project as a whole.

Since our github repository contains work-in-progress, there are
often =Admitted= lines in there which would pass =Qed= checks, but
which are as they are to speed up our regular working build

It is possible to run a build with proofs enabled using the "proof"
Makefile target. Beware that it will patch the coq sourcefiles as
described above, so it is strongly recommended to only do this with
a clean repository checkout.

+begin_src sh

make proof


**** Can I trust the parser?

 We do not attempt to specify a JavaScript parser as a part of the
 JSCert project. In order to properly specify the =eval=
 construct, we appeal to a perfect parsing oracle:

+begin_src coq

| red_spec_call_global_eval_1_string_parse : forall s p S C bdirect o, ( Step 3 and 5 ) parse s (Some p) -> red_expr S C (spec_entering_eval_code bdirect (funcbody_intro p s) (spec_call_global_eval_2 p)) o -> red_expr S C (spec_call_global_eval_1 bdirect s) o


 This rule says that /if/ we can prove that parsing the string =s=
 can result in some parsed AST =p= then we may continue our
 computation using that AST in the =spec_entering_eval_code=
 intermediate form.

 Since we have not attempted to specify a JavaScript parser, we do
 not currently provide any rules which can be used to prove that
 any given string parses to any given AST. Instead, we require
 that users of JSCert explicitly assume whatever they need to
 assume about their parser.

 Of course, for the JSRef interpreter we cannot assume an oracle.
 Instead, we use an off-the-shelf parser. We chose to use the
 parser from [[][Google Closure]], but any other parser would also work.

 This means that you can trust the JSRef interpreter only as much
 as you trust the Google Closure parser, and you can trust any
 proofs you build on JSCert only as much as you trust whatever
 parsing assumptions you explicitly make.

 Currently, none of the proofs in JSCert assume anything about the
 parser, other than that one exists.

** Testing

*** How to run tests

For testing the JSRef interpreter, we provide a test script You can get help on the various options it provides
in the usual way:

+begin_src sh

./ --help


The simplest way to run the Test262 suite is to build JSCert, and
then type:

+begin_src sh

./ ./test262tests


The command above will run all the tests in the Test262 suite, and
print a pass/fail result for each test. If you would like to
collate those results into a pretty HTML page in
=./test_reports/=, you can do the following:

+begin_src sh

./ --webreport ./test262tests


Whether you generate a pretty HTML page or not, both the above
commands will run /all/ the Test262 tests, including the ones we
fully expect to fail (for example, tests which rely on libraries
we have not yet implemented). We provide a list of tests that we
do not expect to fail in =test_data/interesting_tests.txt=. You
can run just these tests like so:

+begin_src sh

./ --webreport --title=FullRun cat ./test_data/interesting_tests.txt


You don't have to trust our estimation of which tests are
interesting however. You can save the results of your test run to
a local database file, and run queries that make sense to you.
This is described in the next section.

*** Queries: What tests mean

In order to be able to run a batch of Test262 tests, and analyse the
results later, there is a selection of scripts available in
=test_data/query_scripts=. They should be built
like so:

+begin_src sh

cd test_data/query_scripts cabal-dev install


You can now create a test database, and save the results of a test
run to it:

+begin_src sh

cd .. ./ cd .. ./ --dbsave ./test262tests


The query binaries are created in the directory
=test_data/query_scripts/cabal-dev/bin/=. The most useful of these
is =make_simple_report= which can be used to produce a report (in
=./test_reports/=) of all the test runs that meet our criteria of
being "interesting".

+begin_src sh

cabal-dev/bin/make_simple_report --querytype=OnlyInteresting --reportname=Interesting


Our interpreter prints warnings when it detects a feature that we
haven't yet implemented being accessed. This filter simply
discounts all tests which trip these warnings.

You can do more sophisticated things with these filters too. For
example, you can filter using the test run output to StdErr or
StdOut. And you can define arbitrary groups of tests using the
=manage_test_group= and =make_group_by_content= scripts, and then
explicitly include or exclude tests in those groups.

At the time this document is being written, we pass all the tests
we expect to. That is to say, all tests which do not trip warnings
that unimplemented features are being exercised. Of course, just
because we pass the tests, that does not necessarily imply we pass
them for the right reasons! This is especially a problem with
"negative" tests, which are expected to fail in a particular way,
for a particular reason. For example, a test which checks that
"with" statements are not permitted within strict mode functions
may expect a =SyntaxError=. However, if the
implementation were to incorrectly reject /all/ instances of
"with", or even to spuriously reject some other perfectly legal
syntax, the test would pass, even though the behaviour is clearly
at fault.

If you require a stronger guarantee
about the correctness of JSRef, see the correctness proof against
the JSCert semantics.

*** Bisect

To test coverage of one program or a series of test, we also support
the [[][Bisect]] tool. Here is how to use it.

First, install the bisect dependancy and build the bisect version of
the interpreter.


opam install bisect make interp/run_jsbisect


Next, run the programs using the bisect-ready version of the


for file in $FILE_LIST; do ./ --interp_path interp/run_jsbisect $file done


This will create as many ~bisectXXXX.out~ files as there are files
that are run.

Then to build a report using these run, you need to:


make report


This will create a report in the ~report~ subdirectory (deleting any
previous report that is there) and try to open it using a web
browser. This will also delete the ~bisectXXXX.out~ files.

If you need to run bisect with more than 10000 files, you will need
to set the ~BISECT_FILE~ environment variable at some point (as by
default the number of output files is limited at 10000). We provide
a shell script to run every test262 test, called,
which illustrates how to do so:


nb=0 for file in ./test262tests; do prefix=$(( $nb / 9999)) nb=$(( $nb + 1 )) export BISECTFILE=bisect$prefix ./ --interp_path interp/run_jsbisect $file done


*** Under the hood: How tests work

Since we are currently focused on the core language, JSRef does
not implement any IO features. We can run any program to
completion, and inspect the final state and return value of that
program, but we cannot interact with the program while it is running.

In order to run Test262 tests, we are required to provide a
function =$ERROR(str)=, which should record that a test has failed
for the reason given in the string =str=, and a function
=runTestCase(f)=, which should run the function =f=, and interpret
a =false= return value as failure. We implement these functions by
storing the reason for a given test failure in the special
distinguished global variable =__$ERROR__=. When any given test
has been run to completion, we inspect the final state and look
for the global variable =__$ERROR__=. If it has any value at all,
we assume the test has failed, and we print that value to
=stdout=. You can see how we implement the likes of =$ERROR(str)=
in the file =src/core/trunk/interp/test_prelude.js=