rethinkdb / rethinkdb_rebirth

The open-source database for the realtime web.
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We need a Milestone/Roadmap #27

Closed Extarys closed 6 years ago

Extarys commented 6 years ago

I'm very excited that RebirthDB is finally born!

I know there is a lot of work ahead but I wanted to ask if any milestone or roadmap of important features will be released?

I have no idea if the following was implemented or what is the status right now as I didn't follow for the past few months but I saw a couple of discussions and thought about :

Having a roadmap will encourage some users and we'll know what to expect in the future. People may adopt the database because they know X feature they need is being worked on or soon will be.

When I think database I think sharding, fast, big data. RebirthDB with it's changefeed is powerful!

Keep going! xx

floydkots commented 6 years ago

Thanks @Extarys, we appreciate your kind words and the suggestion.

We'll consider it and put up the milestones appropriately. We'll also post updates of the progress (as regards the milestones) here.

floydkots commented 6 years ago

And, I forgot to mention, we have this awesome community on spectrum, would you please join us?

Most of the communication and planning goes on there.

Extarys commented 6 years ago

Hey, thanks @floydkots, I didn't know about spectrum. That is awesome and exactly what I needed.