retorquere / zotero-storage-scanner

A Zotero plugin to remove the broken & duplicate attachment link of the bibliography
519 stars 19 forks source link

The brief introduction, and the download of the xpi should be updated. #7

Closed kld123509945 closed 6 years ago

kld123509945 commented 6 years ago

I'm very appreciate that the add-on could be developed to remove the broken & duplicate attachment links as it has been my trouble(see However, the add-on needs more extensive publicity to let other users to solve the problem as happened on me. The introduction of the add-on should be more than "zotero-storage-scanner". The slogan could be

"A Zotero plugin to remove the broken & duplicate attachment link of the bibliography."

And the could be modified as

Zotero Storage Scanner This plugin scans your attachments of storage to remove the missing & duplicate attachment link. The combination of the duplicated bibliography in Zotero could create a lot of duplicate attachments. Also when you use a plugin/ third-party software to directly remove the PDF of the bibliography, the attachment link becomes broken in Zotero. This plugin is designed to solve the problem.

Install by downloading the latest version.

Support -- read carefully

Please remain on the latest version of the add-on. My time is extremely limited for a number of very great reasons (you shall have to trust me on this). Because of this, I cannot accept bug reports or support requests on anything but the latest version, currently at 5.0.3. If you submit an issue report, please include the version that you are on. By the time I get to your issue, the latest version might have bumped up already, and you will have to upgrade (you might have auto-upgraded already however) and re-verify that your issue still exists. Apologies for the inconvenience, but such are the breaks.

A little background on how the plugin works

There is no UI, this plugin scans your library after being launched from tools->storage scanner in the background.

If you run zotero-storage-scanner, you will see a zotero process (name dependand on OS) kick off in your proccess manager (top, activity monitor, Task Manager). Then as it works through your library, it generates two new tags called #duplicate_attachments and #broken_attachments as it goes. If those two folders are empty after some time (variable depending on size of library) then you are golden, if there are entries tagged in either then your likely have duplicate articles or a file/DB has issues been identified with the most likely cause being a "missing" PDF sometimes caused by incomplete syncing.

Another suggestion is to update this plugin on the webpage of The plugin deserves to act as an essential add-on in the Zotero. It solves the problem of hard disk capacity or net disk capacity by releasing the space of duplicated attachments. Also the user could know the broken attachments and the "broken bibliography" so that they could update them as soon as they get the download permission of the latest PDF.

retorquere commented 6 years ago

I've updated the README, but the plugin page seems OK. You can edit the wiki page, feel free to add what you think is missing.

kld123509945 commented 6 years ago

@retorquere Many thanks for your kindness!

retorquere commented 6 years ago

You're welcome.

kld123509945 commented 6 years ago

I tested the 5.0.4 version of the plugin and it woks very very good! It not only add new broken links into the #broken, but also remove the fixed& healthy link from the tag.

On the page of "search in github", I think that the description could be updated but not the simple words of "zotero-storage-scanner" . For green-hands, they could be confused by the description and may ignore the plugin. For the user who really need the function, a indicative entrance of the plugin is missing.

Take myself as an example. I firstly notice the problem, then I search a plugin to solve the issue on the webpage of

Unfortunately, no plugin could help me. And at that time I'm just a green-hand in Zotero. What's worse, I really know a little about the python and the programming. I even don't know the website of github.

Then I have to directly put forward the problem in the forum of Zotero, irritating dstillman for my hot words. But for a green-hand of Computer programming, the only thing I could do is to seek for help from professionals, though the methods I took is vain.

From the discussions in forum I knew the github. After that, I learn the programming and Python by myself. Then I found the plugin in the github. It's too hard for us to find it, oh no.

Fortunately, this plugin solves my issue perfectly.But there should be a lot of green-hands waiting for the solution. As I mentioned in my post, I want Zotero to be better. So I hope that the plugins which could still be updated can be displayed on the github and on the webpage of

retorquere commented 6 years ago

Given what you describe, you are in a much better position to say what information could have brought a green-hand to the plugin. I can't see with "beginners eyes", so I don't see what's missing. As I said, feel free to edit the scanner entry on the plugin page.