Very often does not disassemble the code, leaving it as a DATA.
If there are no undocumented 6502 CPU opcodes in the segment, then process as code. More games hide code adresses (like run from RAM etc.). Even simple NROM and CNROM games.
For example, I have to manually set the reset address to get the right part of the code. It's very time consuming.
As a simplified option, you can add forced processing via a command.
Thanks for the great work! Because even with version 0.2.2. I was able to fully disassemble Battletoads (AoROM 256kB). But it was a lot of manual work.
Very often does not disassemble the code, leaving it as a DATA. If there are no undocumented 6502 CPU opcodes in the segment, then process as code. More games hide code adresses (like run from RAM etc.). Even simple NROM and CNROM games. For example, I have to manually set the reset address to get the right part of the code. It's very time consuming. As a simplified option, you can add forced processing via a command. Thanks for the great work! Because even with version 0.2.2. I was able to fully disassemble Battletoads (AoROM 256kB). But it was a lot of manual work.