reworkd / AgentGPT

🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error: Cannot find module '@tailwindcss/forms' #716

Open Superkikim opened 1 year ago

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

Please check that this issue hasn't been reported before.

Expected Behavior

Since pulling updates yerstaday, deploying should be errorless. @tailwindcss/forms should be installed automatically along with dependencies and in the right location.

I tried pulling again right now, and it still happens.

Current behaviour

After running ./, next is deployed, the /next/.env file is loaded, then an error message appear and tells @tailwindcss/forms cannot be found.

Installing @tailwindcss/forms manually does not fix the issue. I've tried installing it in the root of the project, as well as in the next folder.


next                 | error - ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css
next                 | Error: Cannot find module '@tailwindcss/forms'
next                 | Require stack:
next                 | - /next/tailwind.config.cjs
next                 | Import trace for requested module:
next                 | ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css
next                 | ./src/styles/globals.css

WUI error message:

Failed to compile

Error: Cannot find module '@tailwindcss/forms'
Require stack:
- /next/tailwind.config.cjs

This error occurred during the build process and can only be dismissed by fixing the error.

Steps to reproduce

cd ~\
rm -rf AgentGPT
git clone

Fill openAI API key and serp API key Leave REPLICATE API key empty

Error message will be on the terminal

To see the WUI error message, open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000

The issue happens on manjaro linux (6.1.31-2-MANJARO) with node v18.16.0. I was not able to reproduce the issue on Debian Bullseye (5.10.0-21-amd64) Node.js v18.15.0.

Any additional information to troubleshoot you need, please let know where to find it. Happy to look it up.

Possible solution

No response

Which Operating Systems are you using?


awtkns commented 1 year ago

Hi @Superkikim, this was a dependancy that was added recently. Could you confirm that your version has @tailwindcss/formas in the package.json? This fix for this is to likely just rebuild the frontend with docker-compose up --build

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

Hi @awtkns

Given I delete the whole AgentGPT folder before to clone again and rebuild, I'm not sure this should be a concern. By cloning from scratch, I'm getting the latest revision. Am I not ?

awtkns commented 1 year ago

@Superkikim if you're not running through docker compose can you try reinstalling the dependancies with cd next & npm i?

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

I use docker compose for instance. I run and select automatic setup.

I compared both next folders in debian and manjaro. They are identical. So clearly the problem is on manjaro but I don't find where.

I just tried to deploy as a different user, and I have the exact same error...

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

One thing to note is the node_modules folder is owned by root and not by the user cloning git and running

same for next-env.d.ts

If I remove all, clone an do manual install and using npm install && npm run dev, I deploys successfully.

So there must be an issue with docker compose at some point.

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

Something I noticed is when I use docker compose, the node_modulesfolder and the next-env.d.ts folder are owned by root. When I do manual as explained above, these are owned my the user.

Note that I have the same behavior on Debian yet I don't have the error message. So I don't know if it is related.

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

The error message is quite "clear" but I don't know where to find more verbose details:

next                 | error - ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css
next                 | Error: Cannot find module '@tailwindcss/forms'
next                 | Require stack:
next                 | - /next/tailwind.config.cjs
next                 | Import trace for requested module:
next                 | ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css
next                 | ./src/styles/globals.css

So far

I have tried to run manually (next is deployed successfully) I have tried running docker-compose --no-cache: I have the same error I have tried to run nmp install before I run docker compose: same problem

I'm out of ideas.

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

Looking in inside the container, @tailwindcss/forms is missing in node_modules

Yet, it seems to be installing successfully

#21 7.440 npm http fetch GET 200 5570ms (cache miss)

jasangill1 commented 1 year ago

Hello @Superkikim are you still dealing with this problem? If so to help us get a better grasp of the situation, could you please provide the Dockerfile you're using?

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

@jasangill1 Hi. I just tried to clone again the repo at Therefore the docker compose (below) should be the one from the repo.

and the error is still there:

next                 | error - ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css
next                 | Error: Cannot find module '@tailwindcss/forms'
next                 | Require stack:
next                 | - /next/tailwind.config.cjs
next                 | Import trace for requested module:
next                 | ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css
next                 | ./src/styles/globals.css


version: '3.9'

    container_name: next
      context: ./next
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - "3000:3000"
      - ./next/.env:/next/.env
      - ./next/:/next/
      - /next/node_modules
      - /next/.next

    container_name: platform
      context: ./platform
      target: prod
      - "8000:8000"
    restart: always
      - ./platform:/app/src/
      - next/.env
      REWORKD_PLATFORM_DB_USER: "reworkd_platform"
      REWORKD_PLATFORM_DB_PASS: "reworkd_platform"
      REWORKD_PLATFORM_DB_BASE: "reworkd_platform"
      - db

    image: mysql:8.0
    container_name: db
    restart: always
      context: ./db
      - "3307:3307"
      MYSQL_DATABASE: "reworkd_platform"
      MYSQL_USER: "reworkd_platform"
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: "reworkd_platform"
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "reworkd_platform"
      MYSQL_TCP_PORT: 3307
      - db_data:/var/lib/mysql
    command: [ 'mysqld', '--character-set-server=utf8mb4', '--collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci' ]

    image: semitechnologies/weaviate:1.19.6
    restart: on-failure:0
      - "8080:8080"
      PERSISTENCE_DATA_PATH: '/var/lib/weaviate'
      CLUSTER_HOSTNAME: 'node1'
      - weaviate:/var/lib/weaviate

    build: ./docs
      - "3001:3001"

asim-shrestha commented 1 year ago

Is that the latest main changes? Or is it the latest release? @Superkikim

Superkikim commented 1 year ago


Great question ^^

As I just make a git clone without any specific arguments ? I guess it's the latest change.

Given your question, I just gave a try using --branch v.0.8.0-beta --branch v.0.7.0-beta --branch v.0.6.0-beta

0.8 and 0.7 give the error. v0.6.0-beta doesn't. Note that 0.6 is shown as agent-gpt@0.5.0 dev in the log. Probably a miss at the time.

So this is related to a change that happened between v0.6.0-beta and v.0.7.0-beta...

Anything else I can do to support troubleshooting ?

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

Note that the problem is not related to docker-compose.yml given these files are identical in both releases.

Comparing the folders, I see "@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.3", was added in version v0.7.0-beta

Superkikim commented 1 year ago

Still the same problem on v.0.9.5-beta and still no idea how to troubleshoot this. Let me know how I can help.

platform             | 2023-07-07 18:57:29.132 | INFO     | logging:callHandlers:1706 - Application startup complete.
next                 | error - ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css
next                 | Error: Cannot find module '@tailwindcss/forms'
next                 | Require stack:
next                 | - /next/tailwind.config.cjs
next                 | Import trace for requested module:
next                 | ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css
next                 | ./src/styles/globals.css
boadude commented 1 year ago

I have the same error but in Windows.

jasangill1 commented 12 months ago

Hello @boadude @Superkikim Is there a @tailwindcss/forms in your global.css file ?

boadude commented 12 months ago

Hi @jasangill1, in the afternoon, I can check. Today I recently installed it on a Windows 10 version, and everything works fine; the other laptop is in Windows 11.

jasangill1 commented 12 months ago

@boadude Cool let me know if anything changed !!

Superkikim commented 12 months ago

Hi @jasangill1.

checking ./next/src/styles/globals.css, I see this on lines 1 to 3.

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

The import trace is:


I'm not sure the css file is the problem. Is it ?

Also, I have installed a debian VM, and cloned .0.9.0-beta and 0.9.5-beta and it doesn't show the same problem. It's puzzling

jasangill1 commented 11 months ago

Does that mean you were able to get it to work @Superkikim ???

Superkikim commented 11 months ago

Not on Manjaro, no.

jasangill1 commented 11 months ago

@Superkikim Would you mind trying to run this locally ??

jonarjeo commented 11 months ago

I have the same error on 0.10, running simply from a docker compose build on mac.

gcpdev commented 11 months ago

I have similar issue, but with @tailwindcss/typography. Even after I installed it with npm install -D -g @tailwindcss/typography.


Log as text:

platform | :1047: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module() platform | :673: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.exec_module() not found; falling back to load_module() next | ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000 next | info - Loaded env from /next/.env platform | :1047: ImportWarning: _SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec() not found; falling back to find_module() platform | 2023-08-13 16:30:32.390 | INFO | logging:callHandlers:1706 - Started server process [8] platform | 2023-08-13 16:30:32.391 | INFO | logging:callHandlers:1706 - Waiting for application startup. next | error - ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css next | Error: Cannot find module '@tailwindcss/typography' next | Require stack: next | - /next/tailwind.config.cjs next | Import trace for requested module: next | ./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[1]!./node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[3].oneOf[9].use[2]!./src/styles/globals.css next | ./src/styles/globals.css platform | 2023-08-13 16:30:34.816 | WARNING | - Kafka consumer is not enabled platform | 2023-08-13 16:30:34.816 | INFO | logging:callHandlers:1706 - Application startup complete.

Even when running docker-compose up --build, and even cloning the repo again or removing all docker images I have, the issue persists.