rfcx / arbimon

Ecoacoustic analysis platform empowering conservationists to analyze acoustic data and to derive insights about the ecosystem at scale
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 1 forks source link
ai bioacoustics biodiversity-monitoring


Website for exploring biodiversity data; built with Vue 3, Typescript, Vite, pnpm, Pinia, Windi CSS.

Currently depends on Arbimon Legacy.



Sprint DoD (The Definition of Done)

The following must be true to consider a feature "DONE":



One-Time Setup

  1. Install tools:

  2. Install/update dependencies:

    pnpm i

  3. Create local environment:

    • Copy apps/api/.env.example to .env, and fill missing variables
  4. (optional) Override default environment:

    • Create apps/cli/.env.local (and override variables as necessary)
    • Create apps/website/.env.local (and override variables as necessary)
  5. (recommended) Add yourself to an example project. Ask another developer to invite you to Puerto Rico project on staging (needed because local Bio/Arbimon still uses staging Core for projects/permissions).

Run the App!

  1. Start DB, API, and Website in dev-mode:

    pnpm serve (from the monorepo root)
    pnpm -w serve (from anywhere in the project)

    If you followed step 5 above then you'll find a fully hydrated project if you navigate to http://localhost:8101/puerto-rico.

  2. After you finish, you might want to stop your db:

    pnpm --filter=db stop

More Commands

Resetting Workspace

If you encounter an issue, you may want to clean caches and artifacts, or reinstall dependencies.




Cheatsheet: pnpm


There are 3 shared deployments:

Deployment: Testing

Any branch can be deployed to the testing cluster:

  1. Open the "Actions" tab on GitHub
  2. Select the "Build-Deploy" action
  3. Click on "Run workflow", and select the branch you wish to deploy

Note: develop branch is auto-deployed to testing daily

Deployment: Staging and Deployment: Production

Environments staging and production are automatically deployed by GitHub Actions (CD):

Environment (Config and Secrets)

Local Environment

Deployed Environment

Feature toggle

Note: The feature toggle value can be override following the override env file level from Modes

Configure the project for local development with rfcx-api

In some cases you wanted to test out the functionality with the core api.

Tools required from core

Core preparation

Arbimon preparation

Now you can run your project normally on arbimon and you will be able to see 5 projects with 5 different statuses in the cnn analysis page.