rgonek / Ilaro.Admin

Generic admin panel for ASP.NET MVC.
MIT License
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Check For templates #27

Open pbpraveen1988 opened 8 years ago

pbpraveen1988 commented 8 years ago

Hello @rgonek ,

I really like your project and concept even i just thought to work on such type of projects which you have and i google it and i found your project but now i want to test and also if you need any help may be i can also help you out , but before that i want to know the flow of yours i am doing R&D. May be you can help on below questions:

a) How the Routes are working on Runtime b) How to set route for particular HTML DOM

I will prepare more questions if i will have an issue .

Thanks for your code , i really like the concept you have.

Best Regards Praveen Kumar

rgonek commented 8 years ago


a) Ilaro.Admin is the standard ASP MVC area with controllers and so on, so it uses standard ASP MVC routing. Additionally, there is a possibility to set prefix URL address for this area. There is singleton object which stores entities mappings and so on, and also stores URL prefix.

b) Views are compiled to c# code by RazorGenerator, which gives the ability to overwrite any view from Ilaro.Admin project in your own project. During entity configuration, there is a possibility to set display and editor template (otherwise it will be picked based on property type). All templates are located in Shared folder In the view I using standard EditorFor method, and I passing template name to it. @Html.EditorFor(m => m, Model.Property.Template.Editor) Template name contains only view name without path to it. EditorFor method will be looking for that template in every *\EditorTemplates folder. The Same situation is for Display templates.

You can also check out this project https://github.com/dwdkls/pizzamvc which shows another way how to deal with admin panels/CRUD pages in ASP MVC.

I hope this answer will help you.

Best, Robert Gonek