rh-messaging / cli-java

cli-java is a collection of commandline messaging clients suitable for interacting with Message Oriented Middleware such as ActiveMQ Artemis broker or Qpid Dispatch router.
Apache License 2.0
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Client options --conn-ssl-* do not work and -Djavax.net.ssl.* counterparts must be supplied #139

Open rvais opened 4 years ago

rvais commented 4 years ago

While testing SSL/TLS secured routes for broker on openshift, I have found out that when using cli-qpid-jms client, following ssl options do not work.


To make it work their JVM counterparts with the same values must be supplied.


This issue might be impacting other clients as well. Haven't verified that yet.

jiridanek commented 4 years ago

cc @rkubis @michalxo stuchlik!, fyi

rkubis commented 4 years ago

OK 👓

michalxo commented 1 year ago
2023-01-19T11:56:47.893Z INFO  [Executor:52] [tls-tests] systemtests-clients-59ccb5b786-cfs8l Running command: [/bin/bash -c java -jar /main/cli-qpid.jar sender --broker-uri amqps://artemis-broker-my-amqp-0-svc-rte-tls-tests.apps.domain.com:443 --address myAddress0::myQueue0 --log-msgs json --conn-ssl-verify-host true --conn-ssl-keystore-location client.ks --conn-ssl-keystore-password clientPass --conn-ssl-truststore-location client.ts --conn-ssl-truststore-password clientPass --count 10]
2023-01-19T11:56:51.020Z DEBUG [MessagingClient:73] Failed to connect to remote at: amqps://artemis-broker-my-amqp-0-svc-rte-tls-tests.apps.mtoth-412m.amq-broker-qe.psi.redhat.com:443
PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
jakarta.jms.JMSException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target